Justin Bieber Joins Push to Have Fox News Host Fired Over Nipsey Hussle Comments
By TheBlast Staff on April 18, 2019 at 10:16 PM EDT
Justin Bieber is calling on his fans to help pressure Fox News to fire host Laura Ingraham over her recent comments about Nipsey Hussle.
Ingraham angered many Nipsey fans when, in a segment that aired the day after his memorial, she sarcastically referred to him as "this dear artist." She played a portion of the YG and Nipsey song called "FDT (Fuck Donald Trump)," which she called "a very creative refrain."
"Laura Ingraham absolutely disgusting what you did on national television," Justin Bieber wrote on Thursday. "How dare you laugh in the face of a person who has passed on. Doesn’t matter who it is. But disrespecting someone’s who was a pillar in the community and did right by people?"
He continued, "Did you not think about the family who just lost a love one and now have to see you mock him on national television It’s absurd and you should be fired period. #repost #spreadawareness complain to fox network whatever we can do."
"We are NO LONGER laying quiet while you continuously disrespect our brother, culture African Americans as a whole. I will use my platform & call on my peers to do the same," The Game wrote.
T.I. added, "Neither of you WILL EVER know or experience the level of love, appreciation and respect that Nip has... EVEN IN DEATH!!! So let that sizzle in ya lil hateful,demonic spirits."
