George Zimmerman Says He's $2.5 Million in Debt, Too Broke to Afford Lawyer
By TheBlast Staff on May 17, 2018 at 10:18 PM EDT
George Zimmerman is pleading for the court to issue him a public defender in his stalking case because he can't afford a pot to piss in.
In what may be the most satisfying news of the day, Zimmerman filed an application for criminal indigent status, which basically means he needs a public defender to try and save his ass from going to jail.
Zimmerman says he's $2.5 million in the hole with liabilities and debts, and claims to be unemployed and make zero income. He also claims to have nothing in the bank, and no cars, property or savings.
Interesting, he did not list his firearms as an asset, which could probably be pawned off to help cover his legal fees. However, the court showed mercy and signed off on Zimmerman getting a public defender.
As we reported he's facing a charge of stalking after allegedly harassing a private investigator who had been hired by the production company for Jay-Z's Trayvon Martin documentary.