Eric Balfour Accused of Terrorizing Family for Years in Bizarre Neighbor Dispute
By TheBlast Staff on May 18, 2018 at 8:20 AM EDT
Actor Eric Balfour, known for roles in things like "Haven," "24" and of course "Dinoshark," is being accused of harassing a family for years including allegedly peering into bedroom and bathroom windows and leaving threatening letters in the mailbox. However, Balfour is disputing the claims and believes it they are being waged because of an ongoing neighbor war.
According to a request for a restraining order from a man named Nuanchan Suklom, he claims to be the next door neighbor to Balfour in Venice, CA and says the actor harasses him, his wife and daughter. Suklom claims Balfour is a "Peeping Tom at wife and daughter into bedroom and bathroom windows + takes pictures."
He also says Balfour frequently trespasses onto their property to leave threatening notes, and sends "non-sensical emails," and phone calls.
Suklom says on May 6 Balfour took pictures of his wife and daughter and then put a letter in their mailbox. The contents of the alleged letter are not described.
He says the alleged harassment dates back to 2015, and regularly includes the actor accusing the family of owning a barking dog that they claim to not own.
Suklom also claims Balfour owns a gun, and while he does not say the actor has ever pulled it, he says Balfour "claimed to have a gun in his pocket one or two times."
The entire list of allegations are pretty bizarre, and it's unclear how valid the claims are because a judge denied Suklom's temporary restraining order until a hearing next month.
A rep for Balfour tells The Blast "Eric and his wife are currently renovating their home and were aware that the neighbor has made numerous complaints to the city about their remodel. Eric has been friendly and cordial through the entire process and even agreeing to the neighbor's requested changes. Any news of a restraining order is unknown to us at this time."