Track Palin's Ex-Wife Gets Protective Order, Forced to Create Safeword with Daughter
By TheBlast Staff on December 20, 2017 at 11:22 PM EST
Track Palin's ex-wife got a protective order against him to keep her and the couple's 6-year-old daughter safe, and also created a safeword to use in case the child needed to be secretly saved from the troubled man.
According to documents filed in Alaska by Britta Hanson, and obtained by The Blast, Hanson agreed to a secret phrase with 6-year-old Kyla that would alert her mom if she needed to be picked up from Track's home if she felt she was in danger. Hanson would know there was trouble if Kyla asked her, "Mom, can you sing me a bedtime song?"
Hanson says that on November 25, she went to pick Kyla up after staying the night with Track, and when she showed up he was enraged, allegedly "cussing and yelling" and "grabbed me and pushed me into the wall" when she began to record on her phone.
She says he took their daughter and headed to the home of Sarah and Todd Palin, and she followed.
Hanson says Kyla went to hang out with Sarah, and she confronted Track with his father, Todd. She says Track flipped out, started throwing tools and threatened to beat up Todd.
As we previously reported, 28-year-old Track did end up beating his father a few weeks later in a bloody confrontation that involved Todd pulling a gun to protect his family.
Hanson says after the November incident, Sarah, Todd, and herself agreed that she would drop Kyla off at their house in the future, and Track could spend supervised time with his daughter.
She also says the night Track was arrested for attacking his father, she received a call from Piper Palin informing her of the situation, and locked herself inside her house with her family in fear that Track may come after them.
She says their daughter is not safe with Track. Hanson also lists in the document that he has committed an act of domestic violence against the child, but does not give details.
Hanson is requesting that Track is kept away from her home and work, and for him to only have one supervised visitation a month with Kyla, as long as it's with Todd and Sarah or some of the other Palin family members that she's deemed as safe.
She also wants Track to submit to a mental evaluation.
The judge approved the temporary protective order, which keeps Track 500 feet away from Hanson, her home and work.
The court also took away all Track's visitation with Kyla until the next hearing.