Sofia Vergara Hires Private Investigator to Look Into Her Ex-Fiancé
By TheBlast Staff on April 27, 2018 at 10:58 AM EDT
Sofia Vergara has now hired a private investigator to look into her ex-fiancé as part of their never-ending battle over embryos.
According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Vergara had a private investigator in New Orleans look into Nick Loeb’s claims he lives in Louisiana.
Loeb’s latest lawsuit – his third against Vergara — was filed earlier this year in Louisiana, Vergara argues the case has no connection to Louisiana and should be dismissed.
Loeb has claimed he filed the suit in Louisiana because he recently moved there and has demanded the case stay put.
But Vergara believes Loeb is merely pretending to live in Lousiana, saying in court documents, “There is, however, no reason to believe that Loeb lives in Louisiana, and to the contrary, there is significant reason to believe that Loeb still lives in New York.”
The investigator Vergara hired filed a declaration stating he was brought on to determine if the address Loeb claims to live at is occupied.
He says that while investigating, he learned that Loeb is not the owner of the property and the address Loeb provided when registering to vote was in Mount Kisco, New York.
The investigator visited the Louisiana property three times in April and each time he did not see anyone. He says, “The small house on the Property was dark, no vehicles were on the property, and the property appears to be unoccupied.”
He claims he even spoke to neighbors, who told him no one has been to the home for months.
Loeb and Vergara dated for several years but split in 2014. They had two frozen embryos at the time and the terms of their arrangement required consent from both of them before they could be brought to term.
As The Blast first reported, in a recent filing in Louisiana, Loeb tried to compare his battle with the “Modern Family” star to the issue of slavery.
Loeb argues in the documents that the debate over the embryos being either product or people “only one other time in our United States history from which any legal precedent may be reviewed – the pre- Civil War era.”
After giving the legal definition of slavery, he concludes, “Under these simple definitions, a human embryo, if believed to be a human being and alive, (which is our contention) would be considered a slave and the parents would be the owners of the slave, particularly in states where they are considered property.”
The issue is of importance because in Louisiana, embryos are considered "biological human beings” — as opposed to California, which views them as product and not human beings.
The case is ongoing.