R. Kelly's Ex-Girlfriend Azriel Clary Says Aaliyah Wasn't His First Underage Victim In Explosive Video
By Ryan Naumann on April 26, 2020 at 5:23 AM EDT
R. Kelly’s ex-girlfriend Azriel Clary is spilling all about the alleged child sex predator in a new YouTube video.
23-year-old Azriel posted a 16-minute video breaking down the details of her time with Kelly. Azriel explained, “So many things have happened in my past, and I’m really just ready to put it behind me, the good, the bad, the ugly.. all of it. A lot of people have fabricated my story.. and it’s time I clear my name. I am ready to move on, and I am ready to focus on my future goals, dreams, ideas, memories, future events, parties and even relationships without feeling guilty. I am not the reason as to why my ex is in jail. He is in jail because of himself and his own actions.”
Azriel met Kelly when she was 17 years old. She stayed with him for nearly five years alongside his other girlfriend, Joycelyn Savage. Joycelyn is currently still with the disgraced singer despite him being locked up.

In her first video, Azriel explains her speaking out is her way to heal from everything. She asks everyone not to judge her way of getting through this.
She says, “Truthfully, I feel like this man is in his 50’s. I am not the first person this man has done this too. This has been happening since the 90s. This has been happening since way before Aaliyah. Aaliyah was not his first victim and not the first minor he was with."
“I feel like someone who had millions and millions of dollars if he really wanted to change he would have spent millions and millions of dollars on therapists.”

The Blast
“But instead, he spent his money on getting more girlfriends and supporting more girlfriends. He had a personal trainer for his fitness, personal dentist, personal doctor, so It would have been nothing for this man to get a personal therapist.”
“Especially once he realized he had a problem and he did realize he had a problem. No matter how much you want to love someone or feel sorry for someone, once someone continues to do wrong and doesn’t try to better themselves, whatever situation they get themselves into is their fault.”
Azriel says when news first broke in 2017 about Kelly’s alleged sex “cult” he took his anger out on her and Joycelyn. She says he coached her how to be “angry” when people asked her questions. Azriel says she still deals with body issues after being around Kelly and is still learning to love herself.

She asks her followers to ask her whatever questions they have about Kelly and she will be answering them on the YouTube channel. It looks like she is ready to spill all the tea from her experience.
As The Blast first reported, in December, Azriel left Kelly and moved out of his Trump Tower Condo in Chicago. She moved back home and reunited with her family. Since leaving, Azriel has been vocal about the alleged abuse Kelly inflicted on her. She described one incident where she says he beat her with a size 12 Nike Air Force One shoe.
Recently, Azriel decided to cooperate with federal investigators looking into Kelly. She has turned over evidence to help build their case against the disgraced singer.
Azriel’s video comes days after Kelly suffered another setback in court. He was shut down in his attempt to be released from prison. He claimed he was in danger inside MCC Chicago due to the health situation. He proposed being under house arrest with his girlfriend, Joycelyn Savage.
Prosecutors demanded he not be released saying he was a flight risk and possibly danger to society.