Meghan Markle's Dad Living Off Meager Retirement After Bankruptcy While Peddling to the Media
By TheBlast Staff on May 15, 2018 at 7:51 AM EDT
Meghan Markle's father has painted a picture of himself as a devoted patriarch trying to make his way to London for the royal wedding, but in reality the man is in a dire financial situation and jumped at the opportunity to collect more income for a photo-op than he has claimed to earn in an entire month.
The Blast obtained a copy of Thomas Markle's 2016 bankruptcy filing -- his 3rd bankruptcy -- after the former lighting director became inundated in credit card debt. Among Markle's outstanding debt, he listed over $850 on a Target card, $6k on a Citibank card and almost $20k on a Discover account.
As for income, Markle said he only collects $1,500 per month from a retirement account and another $2,700 in social security.
The $1,500 number is interesting considering it has been reported that Markle earned $1,500 plus royalties for his set-up shots. A month's worth of income for a few set up shots ain't too shabby.
However it's also been reported that Markle, along with Meghan's step-sister Samantha, have been selling stories to media outlets. One outlet reported the two have collected almost $100k from exploiting his daughter's wedding, while another outlet claims he's only banked $1,500 plus royalties.
According to the bankruptcy documents Markle made it a point to state that his family has not given him any assistance. Looks like Mr. Markle's found a way to capitalize on the situation without asking for help, can't say we blame him.