Mama June's Manager Launches New Makeover Reality Show 'Happily Ever Altered'
By Ryan Naumann on July 15, 2020 at 8:20 AM EDT
Mama June’s manager, responsible for her massive weight-loss, is launching a new makeover reality show launching this month.
Gina Rodriquez, celebrity manager and executive producer of “Mama June: From Not To Hot”, has a new show premiering on Lifetime on July 22 at 10 p.m. ET/PT.
The one-hour special, Happily Ever Altered, follows a bride Alexa and groom Matt. The two will be separated from one another while they undergo transformational surgeries.

The show description reads, “the two will live apart from the beginning of the surgeries up to the wedding day, with their new looks to be revealed right before the ceremony. Surgeries and treatments will include liposuction, a breast lift and implants, a tummy tuck, tooth replacement and teeth whitening. The cameras will capture the duo seeing each other for the first-time post-transformations, whether they like what they see and the impact of the time apart and surgeries upon their relationships to each other and to themselves."

The show is produced by ThinkFactory Media, executive producers Adam Reed, Adam Freeman, Tim Cohen-Laurie along with Gina Rodriguez and Anthony Kotzev for Gitoni Productions, with Shura Davison and Gena McCarthy from Lifetime.