Lil Baby's Baby Mama Ayesha Fires Back At Rapper Over Support
By Ryan Naumann on August 18, 2020 at 6:32 AM EDT
Lil Baby’s baby mama Ayesha is responding to his claims all of his children are taken care of.
The rapper and the mother of his oldest son started beefing earlier this week. It all started when Ayesha posted a video on Instagram calling out Lil Baby. In the video, she accused him of forcing his son to take Ubers instead of buying them a car.
She said, “You know we are in the middle of a pandemic. Me and Jason are taking these costly rides back and forth to get to the grocery store or the city, wherever we have to go. We are in and out of the car with complete strangers. Basically putting ourselves in a position to catch Covd-19.”

Ayesha added, “if one of our drivers possibly had it. Some of you may be looking at me like you should get your car fixed. But at the same time, do anybody look at it like damn Lil Baby why you being petty like this?”
Lil Baby’s ex said she believed the rapper was angry with her and taking it out on their son. Following her public statement, the rapper fired off a tweet about the situation,, “my kids beyond well taken care of ....”

He added, “I bought her a Range Rover but she ain’t get it because she’s irresponsible .. she get her priorities together the car is sittin in my garage waitin on her.”
Ayesha commented, “Loyal doesn’t have to take Uber and you don’t renege on support with making sure loyal and his mother is properly supported all I’m saying is keep that same energy when supporting Jason’s life dont allow your personal feelings towards Jason’s mom make you neglect the betterment of your child‼️ don’t tweet about it be about it young man damn this internet action stand up in real life‼️”
The two have yet to reach a resolution