Kanye West Parts the Crowd During Chicago Sunday Service: 'This Is My City'
By Gary Trock on September 8, 2019 at 1:39 PM EDT
Kanye West parted the crowd like the Red Sea when he made his way to the stage for Sunday Service.
Yeezus was holding his weekly gospel-themed music event on Chicago's Northerly Island, and thousands flocked to see him perform.
The weather was rainy, and many attendees wore ponchos over their clothes during the damp Sunday morning.
As Kanye was making his way through the crowd, a security guard was moving the audience out of the way before the star stopped his muscle and made it clear he wanted to do it himself.

"Stay back," West could be heard telling the security guard, before letting the man know, "This is my city."
The hip-hop star then made a parting motion with his hands, and began walking through the crowd.
People immediately began to part as Kanye as he did his best Moses impression.
Once Kanye took the stage, he welcomed everyone to Sunday Service before starting the show.
Among the hits, Kanye performed "Jesus Walks" and "Flashing Lights."
“I need to feel liberated, Jesus I feel liberated.” @kanyewest #SundayService pic.twitter.com/n1hgf7vBna
— TeamKanyeDaily (@TeamKanyeDaily) September 8, 2019

He was also joined by Chicago native, Chance the Rapper, to join Kanye in a rendition of "Ultralight Beam."
The service lasted a little over an hour, and even drove away the rain to bring out clear skies.
Kanye and his crew have been taking their Sunday Service on the road ever since performing at Coachella earlier this year.
Recently, they also stopped by Dayton, OH to put on a show for the victims and survivors of the recent mass shooting.