The Exact Moment Stephen Baldwin Became the GOAT by Introducing Hailey to Justin Bieber
By TheBlast Staff on July 8, 2018 at 11:23 PM EDT
Forget Danny Tanner, Carl Winslow or Phil Dunphy ... Stephen Baldwin is now the greatest father of all time by laying the groundwork for his daughter to set her up for life when he introduced her to Justin Bieber almost 10 years ago.
Back in 2009, 14-year-old Justin Bieber was still sporting his infamous bowl-haircut, and just starting to become a household name. While backstage at an appearance on "Today" he was introduced to an awkwardly-nervous pre-teen Hailey Baldwin by her dad Stephen.
The "Bio-Dome" star gushed, "This is my daughter, Hailey, we've been enjoying your music." They talked about a skateboarding video, and Justin was excited to meet Stephen ... little did he know what the future held for him.
Boom. That's all that was needed to set the wheels in motion and eventually lead to a wedding proposal with a no-longer awkward and shy Hailey.
That, ladies and gentleman, is what we call the "long game."