Dr. Pimple Popper -- Is It A Belly Button Or A GIANT Blackhead?!
By Mike Walters on June 10, 2020 at 9:38 AM EDT
Dr. Pimple Popper is about to squeeze something that either looks like the biggest blackhead we have ever seen -- or a VERY dirty belly button!!
"Belly Button or DPOW? ?#drpimplepopper #dilatedporeofwiner" Dr. Sandra Lee captioned the new video.
As you know, DPOW is just a fancy word for big, giant, embedded blackhead that is going to get hard to blast out of the body!
In the clip, Dr. Lee is forced to use the good ol' slice and dice method and this thing comes out flying!

At first, the good doctor attempts to squeeze the insides of this monster blackhead out with her fingers, but it isn't going that easy!
So, she brings in reinforcements and uses her punch tool to get the thing moving...
"Dpow’s are my absolute favorite I could watch them for hours," one fan wrote after seeing the ongoing fight.
In video, many fans took exception to the patient being upset by the process, "This girl has lived a charmed life if she is this freaked out over such a small concern. Good luck with Labor. ?"

"Am I the only one who just didn’t have the patience for this one? ?? Take it out already!!! ????" one fan posted.
Yes, you are the only one! The fight of Dr. Lee vs. a monster blackhead is what the rest of us live for!!
At one point, she decides to continue slicing into the top of the blackhead and breaks out the scissors to finish off this bad boy! The video is nuts, and you have to see what happens in the end!

Ok, we realize most people didn't believe for one second it was a belly button, but the video is causing a bit of confusion for some fans.
"Did anyone else see purple liquid for a sec or am I hallucinating?" one fan wrote. Well, all we know is it IS a blackhead!
As the doctor rips the top of it open, a few fans questioned how much this hurts! "Does this require numbing the area? Because dang that looks amazing but kinda painful but also like it feel great to shed 50 lbs in a couple of minutes. Lol"
See The Video! Here You Go!