Dr. Pimple Popper -- See A GIGANTIC 'Easter Egg' Cyst Come Flying Out Of This Person!
By Mike Walters on April 12, 2020 at 11:32 AM EDT
Dr. Pimple Popper is feeling very festive today, so she decided to share with us a cyst egg hunt video, that is the craziest thing you have seen in a long time! And yes, a GIANT egg comes flying out of this person's body!
"Popaholic Easter Egg Hunt ?" Dr. Sandra Lee captioned the video.
In the clip, you can see she sliced open the top of the skin, to reveal a purple blueish looking egg-sized cyst! You HAVE to see this thing come out!!

After the doctor gives it a good squeeze, you see that this massive growth flops out of the body fully INTACT! -- Just a giant ball of gnarliness!!
"Wowwwww that’s one for the books," one person wrote.
"Looks like there in an umbilical cord attached!" a popaholic said. If you look closely, it does look like a something is still attached to the body!
It is hard to look at, and one fan wrote, "So glad I decided to watch this while eating Easter dinner!"
Omg!!! I wanna see what’s in it!! ????

Now, that is an Easter Egg!
Before you watch this video, Dr. Lee has a message about the holiday..."Happy Easter! May everyone have a beautiful day. Although this holiday may be different than others, may we find new ways to connect and still make beautiful memories. For anyone out there still working essential jobs, thank you for all you do. For anyone that may feel a little lonely today, remember you are apart of this popaholic family and there’s so much love here!"

Dr. Pimple Popper is always posting pop session videos where the inside of a cyst looks like our favorite food dishes, but this one takes the cake!
In the outstanding clip, Dr. Sandra Lee cuts into this patient's body and your favorite Easter family dinner dish comes flying out of it!
A first, bit of yellowish-white gunk comes flying out of the cyst, and can you guess what this looks like?!
"Sometimes I can’t tell if it’s a lipoma or a cyst until the goo begins to spew...then I know ! ?" one fan wrote after seeing it!

"Whopper!" a fan wrote after seeing it fly!
Look a the size of the pus rocket that comes blasting out of this hole! "That’s the ?shot ?" another person said. Tell us about it!!
"Mash potatoes for Easter, ?" a fan posted after seeing the insides of this monster!
You HAVE to see this video! It Is a classic!
We all agree with this bottom line, "Thankful that I have you and these videos to distract me from the everyday stresses of the news. Many blessings and much love."