Christina Anstead On Having More Kids: 'Oh, No. We’re Done'
By Jeff Mazzeo on December 27, 2019 at 9:23 AM EST
Cristina Anstead claims the baby factory is permanently closed after she gave a strong "no" when asked if she has plans to expand her family by US Weekly.
The 36-year-old "Flip or Flop" star expressed that she will not have more kids, especially after her 3-month-old is proving to be her toughest child yet.
“Oh, no. We’re done,” the "Christina on the Coast" star said. “We’re done. We’re done. We’re definitely done! So done. We’re done.”
Not sure if you picked up on her definitive answer but she is "done" having kids.

Christina and her husband, Ant Anstead welcomed baby Hudson to the world in September and it's been a roller coaster ever since. Between the two, they have a total of five children with each spouse having two from previous marriages. Anstead told US Weekly that Hudson has been her "hardest" baby and is very much a homebody.
"He still really just likes being in the house. He doesn’t like going out. As a very busy family, that’s been very difficult. But since he hit the 3-month mark, he’s been doing a lot better. A lot more smiles and coos and sleeping better.”

He maybe a little trouble maker but he is adorable! Hudson's mom gushed about celebrating the holidays for the first time the little guy.
"Our baby’s first Christmas ? #HudsonLondon we ♥️ you," Christina wrote in the caption of picture of the little one wearing a "Santa Baby" onesie.
Ant also reflected on their sweet holiday but lamented that he would not see his older kids till New Years'.
"Amelie and Archie are with their mum this year..... it’s sometimes hard to share! But share we do! Good news is they arrive here in two days to see in 2020 with us all! Till then we miss you! X"
He continued, "Early wake up call this morning was always inevitable though with Tay and Bray on top Christmas form and Hudz having no idea what’s going on ??❤️❤️❤️ have a great Christmas peeps x"

Things seem to be going better with Hudson now but shortly after her planned C-Section, she hurt herself and had to put herself back on bedrest.
"Welll... I’m a moron," Anstead posted to Instagram. "I felt totally fine since one week postpartum- like zero pain... but I was resting and taking it easy ... and then I threw Tay a bday party and was lifting and running around all weekend."
"I definitely hurt myself. It’s not the c-section incision area that hurts it’s my left abdomen and it hurts bad," she explained.