Blac Chyna Denies Outing Ex-Friend as Gay in $2 Million Battle, Says He Was Already Out
By Ryan Naumann on July 15, 2019 at 12:25 PM EDT
Blac Chyna is demanding the $2 million lawsuit accusing her of outing her former friend be dismissed, saying people already knew he was gay.
According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Chyna is demanding the lawsuit brought by actor Pilot Jones aka Justin C. Jones be dismissed. Chyna argues Jones was already out and open about his sexuality, and denies being the first one to reveal this.
In his lawsuit, Pilot Jones said when a photo of him making out with Chyna leaked, Rob and Chyna blamed him for selling the photo and then publicly exposed him as gay and released his private phone number to the public.
He denied leaking the photo in question, which caused a rift between Rob and Chyna at the time, and says that, on the other hand, her leaking his number caused him to receive threatening messages.
Jones claimed Rob and Chyna ruined his life and claimed he attempted suicide from all of it. He sued seeking $2 million dollars in damages.
In her newly filed docs, Chyna writes, “I met the Plaintiff J.C. Jones in or around 2015. J.C. is also known in the industry and to the public as Pilot Jones. J.C. was introduced to me as a model and an “actor from Glee.” She says, “J.C. and I spent a lot of time together enjoying each other’s company in a friendly/close relationship for not quite two years. We never had a sexual relationship and he was never my boyfriend.
Chyna continues, “At all times during our friendship, J.C. was very open about his sexuality, that he was gay. I witnessed him kiss another man in front of other people on at least one occasion. I also saw him stick his back side in another man’s face at least one time. I recall that his social media posts at the time did not hide the fact that he was gay. Based on everything I knew about J.C., I believed that he was an openly gay man and that his sexuality was well known.”
The reality star says she has always supported gay rights and “have never discriminated against any person based on their sexuality.”
In regard to the photos of them kissing, “In or about 2015, J.C. shared with me that he wanted to make his boyfriend jealous by taking a picture of us kissing. He told me that he planned to send the picture to his boyfriend and tell him that he was “going back to girls.” At some point during our friendship, I learned that J.C. had previously been sexually involved with women. I also knew that J.C. had two young children, but I never met them. As a good friend to J.C., I agreed to his request to take a picture of us kissing each other so he could send the picture to his boyfriend. The kiss was a “peck” on the lips. Neither J.C. nor I meant anything sexual by that kiss, and we continued to be only platonic friends after we took that picture.
Chyna says when she took to social media to dismiss the kissing photos by pointing out Jones was gay, she claims she meant no harm and thought it was already well known.
She blames Kardashian for sending any threatening messages to Jones from her phone, “my then-fiancé Rob Kardashian took my cell phone without my permission to either look through my text and phone messages or to send texts from my cell phone that I did not write. In or around October 2016, Rob used my cell phone – without my permission -- to send group texts to J.C. that threatened J.C.’s physical safety. I never sent any texts or made any communications that threatened J.C.’s physical safety.”
Chyna is demanding the entire lawsuit be thrown out. Kardashian has yet to respond to the case.