Britney Spears' Dad Files for Conservatorship for Singer in Louisiana
By TheBlast Staff on June 9, 2019 at 10:46 PM EDT
Britney Spears' father has taken legal steps to make sure the singer's conservatorship, and his control over her and finances, can be enforced in her home state of Louisiana.
According to court records obtained by The Blast, Jamie Spears filed legal docs in which he is asking the Louisiana judge to confirm the long-time California conservatorship in the state.
This type of case is called an interdiction-curatorship; in Louisiana law, "interdiction" means the "removal of the right to care for one’s own person and affairs."
Jamie is the "curator" and Britney is seen as the "interdicted person," per the law.
Attached to the legal case are copies of a large portion of the Los Angeles conservatorship filings.
As The Blast first reported, Jamie Spears filed documents in California last month, giving notice that he planned to register the conservatorship in states outside of California. The states mentioned were Florida, Louisiana, and Hawaii.
The conservatorship is currently under a microscope as the judge in California has ordered a probate court investigator to take a hard look at the entire team, including Jamie.
Britney is also ordered to undergo an evaluation to determine if the restraints on her conservatorship should be loosed at all.
