Sydney Poitier pens a long tribute dedicated to her dad and shared it on Instagram.

She also added a picture of them together.

She wrote, “There are no words for this. No real way to prepare for this.”

Sydney continued, "No prose beautiful enough, no speech eloquent enough to capture the essence of my dad. We know his accomplishments are many and that he quite literally changed the landscape for everyone who came after him.”

The actress added, “He blazed a trail through rough and hostile terrain so those coming behind him could have a bit more ease on the journey.”

Sydney also noted of her father’s goodness.

She wrote, “We know how graceful and wise he was. How powerful his strength of character and moral fortitude. But what I really want people to know is how GOOD he was."

She added, “I know people know he was good, but I don't think they know the depth of his goodness. That it permeated every cell of his being. The sort of goodness that prevented him from killing even the tiniest of bugs.”

She also shared that she learned how to remove “a spider with a shot glass and a piece of paper” because of her dad.”