Dog The Bounty Hunter's Daughter Breaks Her Silence On Family Drama: 'My Family Is Being Ripped Apart'
By Mike Walters on September 16, 2021 at 7:08 PM EDT
Updated on September 16, 2021 at 7:35 PM EDT
Dog The Bounty Hunter's daughter, Baby Lyssa, is breaking her silence about the ongoing family drama that has turned her two sisters against her father, causing them to miss his wedding.
Duane Chapman's daughter, Lyssa, took to Instagram and addressed the situation claiming a group of people is "conning" her sisters and they are "dangerous and evil." As you know, Bonnie and Cecily have been at odds with their father over alleged homophobic and racist remarks.
"Sooo you guys are seeing a lot of family drama today. If you have a family you know that it’s dirty, messy, and 3 sided. Some things are truths are some are lies. Well, here is my family who’s currently being ripped apart by a dangerous and evil, duo but it not my sisters it’s the people they LIVE with. So I’m not surprised they are attacking me and my dad with lies and fake photos," she began.
Baby Lyssa Addresses Family Drama

Lyssa continued, "BUT these are my family. They try to make me so angry that I fight back, trying to hurt my baby sisters publicly. You caught me slipping for a minute but I gathered my emotions and turned that anger into love and direct my attention to the real enemy."
Interestingly, she made it clear she isn't blaming her sisters for the situation, saying, "It’s not Cecily or Bonnie, it’s the people they are living with and being conned by. She was my mother too. I know we will be family again and no matter what I love you, my sisters. ❤️"
As you can imagine, Dog fans flooded Lyssa's social media showing support for the family. "I have watched your family weather many a storm. What always brought you back to the center was the common bonds and love you shared with each other. No matter how mad Beth would get at any of you when push came to shove she would never let outsiders divide. Ever," one person wrote.
Dog The Bounty Hunter's Daughter Doesn't Place Blame On Her Sisters

As we reported, Dog addressed the situation in a sit-down interview with Entertainment Tonight. The reality star explained he thought he had a "pass" to use the n-word based on his relationship with prisoners he spent time with within a Texas jail.
“I have never been a racist,” he said. Adding, "I’m 33.5 percent Apache. But because of over 15 years ago, I have an Achilles’ heel because I used the wrong word.”
Duane 'Dog' Chapman Addresses Ongoing Family Issues

“I thought I had a pass in the black tribe to use it, kind of like Eminem,” Dog explained. After being pressed on why he thought it was ok, and who gave the authority he simply said the “brothers.”
“I had just gotten out of prison in 1979 after spending time, 18 months in Texas, and it was probably three-fourths from the black tribe, so that was a word that we used back and forth, as maybe a compliment,” he explained.
As of now, it's unclear if Lyssa has discussed the situation with her sisters, but clearly, she is ready to take the situation...publically!
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