The Secret To Paul Rudd’s Youthful Look Finally Revealed
By TheBlast Staff on August 4, 2021 at 5:35 PM EDT
If you see scenes of Paul Rudd from his upcoming Ant-Man movie and compare them with his appearances on the final season of Friends, it’s going to be hard to believe the two were shot almost 20 years apart. Even in his early 50s, Paul still maintains that boyish look. London restaurant owner Asma Khan seems to believe that she has found the secret to Paul’s look. It has nothing to do with his skin care routine. Instead, she believes it all boils down to the fact that he's genuinely a very nice person.
Smiling & Being Nice Can Reduce The Need For Botox

Apparently smiling and being nice to people are great ways to keep looking young. Ideally, though, check with your doctor about the need for Botox, results could vary! Back to Paul Rudd, Asma Khan detailed a story about Paul when he visited her restaurant in London recently. Khan praised the way Rudd was overly gracious with her staff and guests. She said about Rudd,
“He is the kind of person that you want to be a good guy. He’s more than that,”
Why This All Came Out

Asma Khan / Instagram
There have always been reports of Paul Rudd being a good guy. These new instances were more people are spreading the “gospel” of Paul Rudd as a nice guy came about because of a picture he took at a restaurant on a recent London trip. In the picture, we can see Rudd with Dan Levy. Both with messy hair probably had a busy day of sightseeing. It has to be a bit frustrating to be Levy. He’s much younger than Rudd, but they look like they could’ve been high school classmates.
How Much Of A Nice Guy He Really Is

You could be thinking he took some pictures, and he looks good, that’s all good and great. A story that Asma Khan told about her encounter with Rudd, though, really tells you how much of a nice guy he really is! Khan said that after taking pictures with the staff that was in-house, Rudd actually got on a FaceTime call with a staff member that was back home in India. The staff member had gone back home to care for her father, who has COVID-19. Khan mentioned,
“I thought that was just the most beautiful thing he did,” Khan detailed. “He talked to her in an unhurried way.”
His Upcoming Projects

What’s that? You don’t really believe that Rudd can look this good at 52? Well, people are going to get a chance to see for themselves if being kind really keeps you young. Paul Rudd has been very active this year. He’s going to be a series for Apple TV+ called The Shrink Next Door. Also, he’s taking part in the new Ghostbusters reboot. Here’s to hoping that turns out better than the previous reboot of the franchise. Of course, he’ll return as Ant-Man in the 2023 third stand-alone film of the character.