Mark Wahlberg Didn't Have A Lot Of Fun Gaining Weight For New Role
By TheBlast Staff on July 18, 2021 at 4:22 PM EDT
Cheat days when you're on a strict diet are usually fun occasions. Granted, then you tend to face hours of guilt until you eat a salad again! Going on cheat months as part of your job sounds like a dream come true! Unless you're that guy from Super Size Me, or apparently Mark Wahlberg. Wahlberg, the man famous for the daily routine that starts at 4 AM, reportedly didn't have a lot of fun gaining weight for his new role. Here is what he had to say about his transformation process.
How He Went About Gaining Weight

Thursday night on the Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon Wahlberg detailed how he went about gaining weight. He started out consuming 7,000 calories for two weeks on end. That probably didn't get him fat enough for the director's taste. So he proceeded to consume over 11,000 calories for two more weeks after that. Presumably, he also had to leave his workouts and his mornings on the golf course for a more laid-back lifestyle. Wahlberg mentioned that the process of consuming all of these calories was "fun for about an hour". We're sure a lot of people are going to disagree with that statement!
Gaining Weight Is Harder Than Losing Weight

Wahlberg made another statement that many folks are going to have a rough time wrapping their minds around. He says that for him losing weight is a lot easier than gaining weight. Wahlberg reasoned that,
“Losing weight, you just kind of tough it out — you just don’t eat, and exercise,” he said. “And this, even when you’re full, I would wake up after a meal and have another meal. I was eating every three hours. It was not fun.”
Who knows, eating every 3 hours and getting paid for it? There are a ton of jobs out there that sound much tougher!
No Time To Waste

There are a couple of things that made the whole weight-gaining process harder on Wahlberg. For one he just turned 50 years old. Getting his metabolism to fire back up again after gaining all that weight was going to be a challenge for sure. Also, he mentioned that the production team only had 30 days to shoot the entirety of the film. He's having to get through the long work hours with a ton of extra weight on that he's not used to having. You should've paid the extra cash and made yourself fat in editing Mark, it's just not worth it!
What's The Movie About Anyway

Talk about it being worth it or not. Although they had to rush the production of the movie, Stu we are probably looking at a 2022 release for the film. No official trailer has dropped at this point. The story though is about a former boxer turned priest whom Whalberg plays. According to reports, the movie is a bit of come to Jesus story. It's going to reunite Whalberg with pal Mel Gibson whom he worked with, in Daddy's Home 2.