
Joe Rogan Stands Up For ‘Straight, White Men’, Faces Backlash

Home / Stars / Joe Rogan Stands Up For ‘Straight, White Men’, Faces Backlash

By Kay Lewis on May 18, 2021 at 12:53 PM EDT

Instagram | Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan is sick of "woke" culture and he fears that it will be the end of “straight, white men." He described it as keeping them silent and eventually forcing them indoors like house cats. Rogan made these comments on his podcast The Joe Rogan Experience with guest comedian Joe List. Rogan claims that you can never be “woke enough” for the woke crowd and insinuated that they are taking this woke thing way too far. Most of what Rogan was saying was socially acceptable but then things got weird.

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He Brought Up Race


Instagram | Joe Rogan

The 53-year-old former host of Fear Factor threw skin color into the mix insinuating that it is people of color who are driving this woke narrative. Ultimately, he claims he just wants people to be good to one another. “We just gotta be nice to each other, man. And there’s a lot of people that are taking advantage of this weirdness in our culture, and then that becomes their thing.” He also touched on the topic of calling people out for their status in life.

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His Thoughts Struck A Nerve


Instagram | Joe Rogan

“Their thing is calling people out for their privilege, calling people out for their position. It’s f** king crazy times,” he continued. Unfortunately, for Rogan, some people were not happy with his “white, male privilege” and expressed their sentiments on his thoughts. “Joe Rogan really thinks that straight white men are fighting for their right to continue being allowed to speak? He's that insecure about people in other demographics finally get a shot at an equal voice? What a f***ing loser,” tweeted one follower.

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Joe Never Holds Back


Instagram | Joe Rogan

Other followers wanted Rogan to stick to comedy and not tackle political issues, but they clearly don’t listen to the podcast or follow the host online. Rogan has never been afraid to share his thoughts on controversial topics. He has more than 11 million listeners and his podcast was recently acquired by Spotify for $100 million. The partnership has had a few bumps in the road with some of Rogan’s controversial guest choices forcing Spotify to remove a handful of episodes from their platform.

A Lot Of Episodes Were Pulled By Spotify


Instagram | Joe Rogan

Among those episodes were interviews with Proud Boy founder Gavin McInnes and an interview with now disgraced comedian Chris D’Elia who was accused of “grooming” underage girls and soliciting pornographic images. Also, an episode featuring former Breitbart news editor Milo Yiannopoulos was removed. A total of 42 episodes were deleted and while Spotify did not release a specific statement on the issue, they have stated that they “will not ban specific individuals from being guests on other people’s shows, as the episode/show complies with our content policies.”
