
‘RHOBH’ Drama! Lisa Vanderpump Pulls A Fast One On Kyle Richards, $132 Joke Backfires

Home / Stars / ‘RHOBH’ Drama! Lisa Vanderpump Pulls A Fast One On Kyle Richards, $132 Joke Backfires

By Kay Lewis on May 13, 2021 at 10:49 PM EDT

Instagram | Kyle Richards

Lisa Vanderpump was feeling extra shady this week when she decided to send her $132 dinner bill over to frenemy Kyle Richards’ table. Richards happened to be dining at the same restaurant at Vanderpump and apparently was not too happy about the joke. The two women have not been friends for some time now and have had a few awkward run-ins in Beverly Hills. This time around it took place at sushi restaurant SHU. Richards and a Bravo producer were dining at the hot spot.

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The Producer Was  A Mutual Friend


Instagram | Lisa Vanderpump

Vanderpump and her husband Ken Todd popped in for a quick bite. According to TMZ, they did not eat together but Vanderpump did say hello to the producer because they also work on her show over at E! called Overserved With Lisa Vanderpump. The Vanderpump Rules star told the server to send her bill over to Richards’ table as a little prank, maybe the mood was a bit icy when she went over to say “hello”. But don’t worry, Vanderpump kept it classy just in case the joke did not go over well.

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The Joke Didn't Land


Instagram | Kyle Richards

She left a cash tip and her credit card information just in case and apparently, she was right to do so because according to the server, the joke did not land. Both Richards and the producer refused to pay for the bill. Fans of the show know that Richards and Vanderpump had a horrible season 9 of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. At the reunion, Richards shared that she and the restaurateur were not on speaking terms since that epic blow-up where Vanderpump kicked Richards out of her house.

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Lisa Is Still Bitter


Instagram | Lisa Vanderpump

Vanderpump later made accusations about being “bullied” off the reality show and even went as far as to say the only way she would come back to the show is if the entire cast was replaced. Sounds like the 63-year-old is still a little sour about “puppygate” and how it all went down, how her business looked on TV, and how the women did not support her. Reps for Vanderpump or Richards have not clarified what went down and chances are they never will.

Will This Be On The New Season?


Instagram | Kyle Richards

Fans are dying to know if Richards was filming at the time and if that was what prompted the entrepreneur to make of show of things. It seems like every time these women run into each other there is a story to tell. Maybe it is time for one of them to leave Beverly Hills? One fan suggested that one of them must be having the other one followed Beverly Hills is small but not that small. Whatever the story is, fans are living for the drama.

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