Placenta Tacos Anyone? 'The Challenge' Star Abram Boise Reveals Wife's Post-Birth Snack
By TheBlast Staff on May 6, 2021 at 2:50 PM EDT
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On April 22nd former MTV reality show star Abram Boise and his wife Rachel Missie welcomed their first son Atlas Young. The couple tied the knot in 2019 and took their time ordering their first child.
The Boise family thought it would be a great experience to eat the baby's placenta following the birth. Since 5 de Mayo was coming up what better way to take advantage of the situation than to make some placenta tacos. This is no joke that's exactly what they did!

@abramgboise I Instagram
Abram posted a picture on his Instagram account of the tacos. He wrote in the caption that this was one of the best experiences of his life. He goes on to say,
"I felt very much in my body and alive while preparing this meal to return nourishment to her body".
From the first pic of the final product, you really can't grasp anything overly different with these tacos. Not a huge fan of the cilantro salad and the cold cheese, as well as the complete disregard for anything authentically Mexican in the dish. That's personal trauma though.
In the first pics on the post, you'll see the finished product as was mentioned before. The next pic is a shot of the board where he's cooking he's got all of the ingredients all set up. He has some meat on the board a strange olive salsa and the cilantro salad with the cheese blend.
It's not until the fourth pic that you see the good stuff. Abram took the baby's full placenta and had it on the board. Not a picture for the faint of heart for sure!

@rachelmissie I instagram
Even though some people may not be on board with the whole placenta eating concept the couple seemed to enjoy it. Abram's wife Rachel also posted a picture of the tacos on her Instagram account.
In the caption, she praised her husband's cooking mentioning,
"Consuming my placenta was not only delicious when you have a husband who loves to cook but a reminder of how much effort went into it."
She also talked about how eating the placenta was important to her as a way of completing her pregnancy and maternity process.

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Certainly, Boise has been out of the spotlight for a while now. That's probably more due to the overall decline of MTV than his own fault. He runs a business though called Sound Color studios. They offer different services some as simple as helping you edit your podcast. Some as complex as building full sets for movies.
Apparently, he's also a landlord these days. Renting out a large property in Montana through Airbnb. While also spending a lot of time in the kitchen as an amateur chef. He's a busy guy!