Nicki Minaj To Grill Her Ex-Stylist in Nasty Legal Battle Over Designer Clothes
By Ryan Naumann on October 7, 2019 at 7:17 AM EDT
Nicki Minaj will be allowed to grill her ex-stylist over allegations he overcharged her.
According to court documents obtained by The Blast, a New York judge ordered Minaj will be allowed to depose her ex-stylist, Maher Jridi.
Jridi sued Minaj accusing her of refusing to return expensive clothes. She counter-sued claiming he overcharged her. They have been battling it out in court for months.
A hearing was recently held where a judge sided with Minaj. The court order states the rapper will “be permitted to depose Plaintiff by videoconference, at such time to be agreed by the parties, but in no” later than October 30.
Jridi was attempted to get out of being deposed but Minaj shut down that attempt. The case is ongoing.

Last year, Maher Jridi sued Minaj first, accusing her of refusing to return expensive clothes he had borrowed from a third party.
The stylist says he worked with Minaj during 2017 and claims to have rented a bunch of outfits from a wardrobe company for her. He claims to have spent thousands on the rental clothes but never was reimbursed.
In his suit, he explained since he never returned the clothing, the company sued him and won a $74k judgment. The stylist accused Minaj of refusing to pay the bill and causing him emotional damage.

Minaj counter-sued him claiming she overpaid him to the tune of $12,000 and said he promised to repay but never did. She denied his claims of refusing to return clothes and demanded his suit be dismissed.

Recently, Minaj rushed to court pleading with the judge to seal her videotaped deposition. The rapper was deposed by her ex-stylist on September 20.
In her motion, Minaj accuses Jridi of refusing to agree not to release the videotape. She says, “Even though parties dealing with each other in good faith routinely enter into form confidentiality stipulations to facilitate the free exchange of confidential information and testimony during discovery, here, Plaintiff refuses to do so.”
The motion continues, “Given Maraj’s fame as a world- renowned rapper and entertainer, she fears Plaintiff intends to publicly disseminate confidential document discovery and pre-trial testimony in order to embarrass or otherwise damage her.”
Further, “Because of some of the subjects explored during the deposition, Maraj’s counsel again raised the subject of a confidentiality stipulation in order to restrict the use and dissemination of the transcript and video of Maraj’s deposition, but again, plaintiff’s counsel refused to agree.”
Minaj says the deposition “not your run-of-the-mill deposition.”
Minaj says, “Jridi will not suffer any prejudice by entry of a confidentiality stipulation, in fact, his refusal to enter into such an agreement raises concerns that he intends to use the information and testimony for purposes other than to address the issues in this litigation.”