Kylie Jenner Deletes Video Of New $3 Million Bugatti After Fans Point Out Hunger Crisis
By Mike Walters on October 6, 2019 at 6:24 PM EDT
Kylie Jenner has deleted a video she posted of a new multi-million dollar Bugatti, after fans pointed out many people in the country are suffering from homelessness and hunger.
Over the weekend, Kylie has hit the town several times after announcing her split with Travis Scott. She also pointed out a new luxury car in her driveway, a new Bugatti Chiron.
The new whip goes for a cool $3 Million bucks on the open market.
But, as soon as the make-up mogul posted a video of her new ride, fans started to point out the purchase seemed a bit over kill. The reactions mainly were directed at what could be done for people in need with that much extra money laying around.

"How can people justify buying more cars then they possibly need when there are people out there who can’t eat! Like I get it’s your money and you earn it but HOW do you justify not doing good with it I just don’t get it. They money you spent on this you could of fed a village for a year at LEAST," one person said.

Another commented bitterly, "Oh yay! Another new car! Meanwhile there's ppl struggling to make ends meet and feed themselves. I'm happy for her but damn when is enough enough?"
So, Kylie deleted the post from her Instagram page.
I think everyone can agree the young woman has worked extremely hard, and deserves the success that comes with it. She is one of the youngest Billionaires in history, and continues to grow her company.

So it is fair to shame her for buying something she can obviously afford and earned the right to purchase?
You decide...