Sommer Ray Flaunts Guilt-Free Burger Curves For Weekend Win
By Rebecca Cukier on April 26, 2021 at 7:35 AM EDT
Sommer Ray has perfected the guilt-free burger and she's showing off the results. The 24-year-old fitness model, making 2020 headlines for moaning she was "slacking" in the diet and exercise department, was this weekend super proud of her tomato-wrapped In-N-Out order, one that was heavy on the protein and veg, but kept it carb-free. Posting for her 26.2 million Instagram followers last night, the blonde showcased her eats, and she didn't hide the famous body with a subsequent show-off. Check it out below.
Scroll for the burger action. Sommer, whose food headlines have included her ordering everything off the menu at Chick-Fil-A last year and more recently came with the model destroying a KFC bucket in a bikini, updated last night while holding the burger she was about to eat. The Colorado native had hit up celebrity-adored West Coast dining chain In-N-Out, showing off a perfect patty with tons of melted cheese and two slices of tomato holding the whole thing together. See it below.
Hiding her face, but not her eats, the model told fans: "Guys, if you're curious, I've been getting um, my In-N-Out wrapped in a to-MA-to." Mega pleased with herself, Sommer added filters to jazz up her story, then re-appearing in a skin-tight and bright patterned dress as she announced she was partying - with her pets.
Sommer, who made early pandemic headlines for announcing she was at her "happiest" eating only Lucky Charms at every meal for two days straight, is clearly nowhere near done with the food.
It's calories in, calories out for the Sommer Ray's Shop founder. Ray, who turned 24 last year and shoveled boat-loads of ice-cream sundae into her mouth, has been working out like mad, also recently promoting the new resistance bands retailed by her popular clothing and swim brand.
"I promise this isn’t the only workout i do guys hahahha but it’s a good one to show off the @shopsommerray booty bandzzz ??? get yours, link in b!000. ☀️ btw i’m gonna start posting more workout vids again," she wrote. See more photos after the video.
In 2018, Sommer was profiled by Forbes, with the iconic magazine dubbing the star "Not Your Average Instagram Model." The feature offered Sommer a chance to speak for herself, with Ray showing off her sense of humor as she likened her body to a high-end sports car.
“I worked hard for my body. I’ve sculpted it. I’m not going to just keep it in the garage. If you have a Ferrari you’re going to drive it,” she said. Scroll for Sommer celebrating her bigger chest size during "that time of the month."