Jeffree Star Breaks His Back, Fractures Vertebrae In Massive Roll-Over Car Accident
By Mike Walters on April 17, 2021 at 9:33 AM EDT
Jeffree Star is updating fans on his injuries due to the brutal roll-over car accident in Wyoming, and the 'YouTube' star suffered major injuries including a broken back!
The 'YouTube' star took to Instagram to update friends and family on his current condition -- and spoke on video from his hospital room while wearing a back brace.
"This morning was one of the scariest moments of our entire lives. I'm so grateful to be here still. I'm in excruciating pain because part of my back is broken and I have vertebrae fractures on my spine. My doctor said it will take a few months but I should make a full recovery," he began.
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Jeffree was sitting bedside next to his best friend who was also injured in the car accident.
"My best friend was in the passenger seat. He has internal injuries and because he has survived colon cancer three times, he's having complications with his organs and they're monitoring him 24/7. We'll know more soon. Thank you to every single person checking on us," he wrote.
In the video, Star explains he will be forced to wear a back brace for the next few months and they are keeping his best friend for observation due to the cancer issues. "There is some internal bleeding," Daniel says in the video.
See It Below.

Incredibly, the duo was forced to address a terrible reaction to the accident -- several people trolling them on social media hoping they would die.
"Thank you to everyone who has checked on us. Most people telling us to die. F--k those haters," Jeffree said.
In the video, Jeffree describes the horrible accident, saying the car hit a patch of 'black ice' before spinning out of control and going off the highway onto a 'snowbank.' During the accident, the car rolled over THREE times, and Jeffree says they are lucky to be alive. In fact, he is headed to the tow yard to view the vehicle's damage once he is released.
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In an ironic twist, the duo was headed to the 'YouTube' star's office to upload an important video they had been working on which documents Daniel's struggle with colon cancer.
Jeffree's best friend reportedly survived the brutal disease three times and is living to tell the story. The video is now live on YouTube... check it out below.
As for their recovery, it appears both of them will recover from their injuries -- but, admit there will be some PTSD from this accident in the immediate future.
See The YouTube Video...Below.