Harvey Weinstein Referenced In New Jeffrey Epstein Documents

Harvey Weinstein Reportedly Hospitalized For Emergency Heart Surgery

Home / News / Harvey Weinstein Reportedly Hospitalized For Emergency Heart Surgery

By Afouda Bamidele on September 9, 2024 at 5:15 PM EDT

Harvey Weinstein's tough situation has made a turn for the worse with a medical emergency!

The film producer was rushed into the theatre for an emergency heart surgery in the early hours of Monday as he prepares to appear before a New York City court in a few days.

Harvey Weinstein has been reportedly held at Rikers ahead of his court appearance, where he may likely bag a new indictment for his overturned rape conviction.

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Harvey Weinstein Complained Of Chest Pain

Harvey Weinstein Referenced In New Jeffrey Epstein Documents

The producer was allegedly experiencing severe pain in his chest, prompting him to be rushed to Bellevue Hospital in New York from the Riker Island Prison.

Weinstein's heart surgery comes days before his court appearance, where prosecutors hope to secure a new indictment against him after his previous rape sentence was overturned in April.

According to TMZ, the controversial producer had been accused of sexual misconduct by over 80 women, although he claims he is innocent and all his past sexual encounters were purely consensual.

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Weinstein Was Wheeled To Court In His Last Appearance

Celebrities including Sir Elton John David Furnish and Harvey Weinstein are seen leaving the May Fair Hotel

The Blast reported that the 72-year-old appeared in court in a wheelchair and requested to stay at Riker prison since he was receiving medical attention there.

He was also previously hospitalized this summer when he came down with a series of health issues, including diabetes, high blood pressure, spinal stenosis, and fluid in his heart and lungs.

He also contracted COVID-19 while he was in the hospital and had double pneumonia, causing him to require more medical care.

His attorney, Arthur Aidala, in April confirmed that Weinstein's health issues were a "train wreck," and he had been admitted to a Manhattan hospital at that time.

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How Weinstein's Rape Conviction Was Overturned

Harvey Weinstein seen attending a Hilary Clinton Fundraiser at the St. James Theater in New York City in 2016

The apex court in New York overturned his 2020 rape conviction, citing prejudicial rulings during the #MeToo trial.

The judge slammed the overturn as perpetuating outdated views on sexual violence as his legal team argued that the trial was unfairly influenced.

Judge Madeline Singas also claimed that the majority was "whitewashing the facts to conform to a he-said/she-said narrative," adding that the Court of Appeal should be criticized for a "disturbing trend of overturning juries guilty verdicts in cases involving sexual violence."

Singas continued that the decision of the majority in the case perpetuates outdated notions of "sexual violence and allows predators to escape accountability."

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The Majority Defended Their Decision To Overturn

Harvey Weinstein Referenced In New Jeffrey Epstein Documents

The majority opinion also condemned the allowance of untested allegations that only tarnish the defendant's character.

They described it as "an abuse of judicial discretion to permit untested allegations of nothing more than bad behavior that destroys a defendant's character but sheds no light on their credibility as related to the criminal charges lodged against them."

The court's 4-3 decision in overturning the convicting concluded that the trial court "erroneously admitted" accounts of uncharged, alleged previous sexual acts against "persons other than the complainants of the underlying crimes."

The verdict concluded that the only way to reverse the grave errors made in the conviction trial was to hold a new one.

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Harvey Weinstein Addressed The Development In His Case

Harvey Weinstein Arrives at Court

Following the appeal court's decision, Weinstein's attorney noted that the legal team "worked very hard" to ensure the "tremendous victory for every criminal defendant in the state of New York."

Weinstein's spokesperson, Juda Engelmayer, stated that the producer still "has a long road ahead of him because of the Los Angeles case,"and they were "studying the ramifications of the appeal" at that time.

However, despite the reversal of the conviction, the actor remained in jail due to a separate 16-year conviction in Los Angeles in 2022 for another rape case.

Weinstein has also been serving a 23-year sentence in a New York prison after he was found guilty of a criminal sex act for coercing oral sex from a TV and film production assistant in 2006.  He was also found guilty of third-degree rape for assaulting an upcoming actress in 2013.
