Kevin Ford

Viral Burger King Employee Kevin Ford Begins New Food Venture!

Home / Vegas / Viral Burger King Employee Kevin Ford Begins New Food Venture!

By Melanie VanDerveer on August 19, 2024 at 5:30 PM EDT

Las Vegas resident Kevin Ford made headlines and captured hearts in 2022 when it was announced that he never missed a day of work at Burger King in 27 years and only got a goodie bag as a token of the company's appreciation.

After a GoFundMe was started for him by his daughter, he was able to buy a house. And on Monday, he announced what exciting new venture he's about to begin thanks to the successful fundraiser.

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Kevin Ford Shared Big News On His GoFundMe Page!

Kevin Ford

Earlier this year, Ford shared that he was able to buy a home with some of the money raised through his GoFundMe page. And on Monday, he shared another exciting update.

"UPDATE!!! HELLO EVERYONE!!! It's Been a While, I Miss Yawl!!! But, I Wanted YOU to Be the First Know What YOU Made Possible for Me To Be Able To Do for My Family!!! Thanks to Your LOVE, KINDNESS and GENEROSITY I Was Able to Go "All In" On This Wonderful Adventurous New Chapter of My Life!!! A FOOD TRUCK!!!" he wrote on the fundraising page.

"YOU Did This!!! Remember, We Doin' BIG THINGS!!! I Want to THANK YOU for Your Continued Love and Support, for You Have Truly Saved Me and Continue to Change My Life and The Lives of My Children and Grandchildren For the Better Everyday!!!"

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The GoFundMe page has raised $459,335 for Ford so far. One of his largest donations, $5,000, was from actor David Spade.

No other information has been released about the food truck at this time.

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Kevin Ford Bought A House Earlier This Year

Kevin Ford
TikTok | Kevin Ford

Ford is now the king of his own castle thanks to his GoFundMe page blowing up with donations. After sharing his story about working at a Las Vegas Burger King for the past 27 years without missing a day, more than 15,000 people donated to the fundraiser.

Ford's daughter started the fundraising page for him in June 2022 after his story went viral. He took to TikTok at the end of 2023 to share the news of what he was doing with the money raised.

"I wanted to show you something. Something you made possible," he began his video before panning over to show his new home! "I know it's not a mansion, but it's mine."

He made sure to thank everyone for their support and all they've done for him. He never thought he would become a homeowner and now he's the king of his own castle.

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"Now, my kids and my grandkids have someplace to come visit me," he said. "I just want to thank everybody for being a part of this miracle and for everything you've done for me, and you continue to do for me every day. This is truly the American dream. It's a Christmas miracle."

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Kevin Ford Went Viral After Burger King Gifted Him A Goodie Bag

Ford first went viral in June 2022 when he shared the gift he got from the Burger King he worked at for nearly three decades.

"I've worked here 27 years, and I've never missed not one day of work, never even called out," Ford said in the video. He then showed what his company gave him as a reward for his hard work.

In the drawstring back, he pulled out a movie ticket, a bag of Reese's Pieces, some Life Savers, pens, a lanyard, keychains, and a cup. Despite the small gifts he got, Ford stayed positive and upbeat during the entire video.

He concluded his video by saying, "This is my reward for working 27 years. Thank you, guys," and then gave two thumbs up.

Kevin Ford's Daughter Started The GoFundMe Page

Kevin Ford and daughter Seryna
Instagram | Kevin Ford

Seryna, Ford's daughter, began the GoFundMe page in the hopes of raising some money for her hardworking father. It didn't take long for the page to blow up with donations. Because of all the positive attention, Seryna had to increase the fundraising goal multiple times.

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"Hi, My name is Seryna. The man in that video is my father. He has worked at his job for 27 years and yes, he has never missed a day of work. He originally began working at this job as a single father when he gained custody of me and my older sister 27 years ago. Then as our family grew and he remarried, he continued to work there because of the amazing health insurance that was provided through this employer because it was unionized. This got all four of his daughters through high school and college with full healthcare coverage," the fundraising page reads.

"My dad continues to work there because though he does look young, he is coming up on retirement age, and leaving would cost him his retirement. In no way are we asking for money or is he expecting any money but if anyone feels like blessing him he would love to visit his grandchildren."

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Updates Often Shared On TikTok And Instagram

Ford often shares updates about his life on his social media pages.

In addition to sharing the food truck update on the GoFundMe page on Monday, Ford also shared on TikTok that it's his birthday and he's "on the road again" for a celebratory trip.

Ford often shares positivity, gratitude, and uplifting messages in his social media posts, and his birthday is no different.

"Happy Birthday to Me!!! K27Y KEVIN-27-YEARS. Thank Yawl for All the Love," the caption of his road trip video reads. "Stay Strong and Stay Positive. Everyday's A Beautiful Day You Wake Up!!!"
