Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara / Chris Olsen

Meghan Trainor Has A Message For People Who Bully Her Bestie!

Home / Entertainment / Meghan Trainor Has A Message For People Who Bully Her Bestie!

By Melanie VanDerveer on August 12, 2024 at 3:45 PM EDT

Meghan Trainor isn't playing when it comes to her bestie Chris Olsen.

The "All About That Bass" singer and her husband, actor Daryl Sabara, have both shared videos on TikTok supporting Olsen as he is dealing with online bullying and hate.

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Meghan Trainor Shares A Message For Anyone Who's 'Mean' To Chris Olsen

Meghan Trainor and Chris Olsen

Trainor is sticking up for her best friend while making sure he knows he's supported and loved.

Not long after Olsen opened up online about the bullying and hate he's been dealing with recently, Trainor shared a video on TikTok just for his haters.

"Me saying bye & blocking anyone who's mean to MY best friend," is written on the video that's simply captioned, "Chris Olsen, I LOVE YOU."

The "Dear Future Husband" singer's video quickly went viral and more support poured into the comment section.

"We ride at dawn for Chris," one person wrote. Another added, "Protect Chris at all costs!"

Many others also shared their support and love for Olsen, who's going through a tough time.

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"Your best friend is our best friend," one fan shared. Another said, "Such amazing friends. Chris is a great person. I’ll stand on his team any day of the week."

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Daryl Sabara Also Shared Support For Chris Olsen

Trainor's husband also shared a video on TikTok to support Olsen during this rough patch he's going through. His video also quickly went viral and had fans in the comment section leaving messages of love and support for Olsen and his besties.

"This is the kind of friend I need in life," one viewer wrote. Another added, "I hope Chris realizes how much he is loved. People are hateful but they are NOT the majority and they are spewing how they feel inside."

Many viewers commented about how the husband and wife team are "the ultimate hype team" and "the most supportive best friends ever."

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Chris Olsen Recently Opened Up About Being Bullied

Chris Olsen
TikTok | Chris Olsen

Olsen took to TikTok a few days ago to share more of his backstory and how he's feeling over the recent stream of hate he's been dealing with regarding the non-consensual sharing of explicit photos from his past.

Responding to a comment calling him a "corn star" (the commenter changed "porn" to "corn" so they wouldn't get blocked by the app), Olsen shared more of his story.

"I was never a 'corn' star and I never consensually agreed to any of the photos or the videos that are being released on the internet right now," he began. "As a lot of you know, I went to rehab when I was 19 and was such a bad addict at that time that my liver was failing and I couldn't go to sleep sober anymore."

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Olsen continued to explain that when he got sober at 19, his "mind didn't change overnight" and he's not proud of the activities he engaged in.

"When I got sober, I lost a lot of weight and started working out and started feeling good about how I looked physically for the first time in my life," he continued. "I would post fitness photos often and had gained a small following. From there, photographers would reach out and ask to collaborate with me where I'd take photos with them and tag them. It would be mutually beneficial and no money was involved."

One Photographer Changed Things For Chris Olsen

Olsen continued his video by explaining where things took a turn for the worse when one particular photographer entered the picture. This photographer "crossed the line" where comfort was concerned.

"When we first shot together, he immediately had me sign a release for the photos that we were gonna take, which he said was standard and he needed me to sign in order for us to start, which being 19 and unfamiliar with the entertainment world, I complied without realizing what I was actually doing," he emotionally shared.

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"And then he essentially made me remove what I was wearing. I don't wanna get into too many of the details as it continues to obviously trigger me and can be triggering for others, but what happened with this photographer was unconsensual, yet I didn't know how to say no, because I didn't really know how to stand up for myself and still sometimes don't."

While Olsen takes full accountability for his actions and admits that he never said no, he also said that he can't say he tried.

"I didn't say no. And the photos were taken," he continued. "Multiple shoots happened, and I let them."

The photographer shared these photos on a "platform that you have to pay for" and many screenshotted them and shared them everywhere.

Chris Olsen Has Tons Of Support!

Chris Olsen

Many of Olsen's fans on TikTok are sharing their support with comments on his videos as well as making their own videos to spread the love and the message that bullying is never okay.

Popular viral TikToker known for her calming messages and supportive vibe, Mama Tot, dropped into the comments of Olsen's video to say, "WE will get you through this."

Many other comments followed that shared the same feeling.

"I'm so sorry Chris. You deserve the world! Thank you for being you," one person wrote. Another said, "Chris, please be gentle with yourself. you don't owe anyone but yourself grace and forgiveness. Being young and making mistakes is the human experience. You are so loved, remember that!"
