Did Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton Just Get Married!?
By TheBlast Staff on March 15, 2021 at 9:58 AM EDT
Instagram @Blake Shelton
Gwen Stefani doesn’t appear to age at this point. The 51-year-old blonde bombshell may have let “the napkins” get “cold” (lyrics from her song “The Sweet Escape”) but recent headlines from media outlets like Star Magazine suggest that she has turned up the heat with long-time romantic partner Blake Shelton, marrying him in a Malibu wedding!
What is truly incredible about this bold announcement is that neither Blake or Gwen have openly shared anything regarding their supposed wedding, and it looks like that’s because the whole event was fabricated!
A Wedding!?

A popular site that regularly debunks flabbergasting claims and supposed facts surrounding the world’s most famous people has just come forward sharing how the news of them tying the knot was grossly exaggerated in the headline created by Star Magazine.
The headline reads: “Finally! Gwen & Blake Malibu Wedding! The Dress! The Guests! The Rings!”
And it proceeds to make the claim that the ceremony cost $2 million beach side!
Yet as any reader of the actual story will tell you, this was a classic “switch and bait” move that the tabloids love to pull.

Upon further review of the story that was reported, Star Magazine actually reports about what the couple are preparing for, not what they’ve already done. The $2 Million is allocated for the wedding but it hasn’t been used yet.
Gwen has reportedly picked out a dress and an insider shared how they are both getting ready for the big day together on the beach.
“The West coast won out because it’s just more practical.” The two are now finally getting ready for the wedding.”
Calm Before The Storm (Of Love)?

Building on those previous notes, it would also behoove reporters to pay closer attention to a pair’s social media. It seems to have slipped the minds of many that it has been months since Blake or Gwen have shared anything related to each other!
That isn’t to say that the pair are falling apart by any means, on the contrary, despite Star Magazine essentially exaggerating the couple’s wedding plans, it would seam that the details about their attachment to each other is factually sound.
Stepdad To-Be
Blake shared in February that he absolutely loves being a (soon-to-be) stepdad to Gwen's kids and that he himself had a stepdad in his life that he looked up to.
“I don’t know if it’s as hard, or harder than being a biological parent. I have a stepfather in my life who is one of my heroes,” Blake revealed. “I love my stepfather and he’s like a father to me, so I have a good inspiration in my life on how to do this and the kind of stepdad I want to be.”