Jim Belushi Shows Off Impressive Crop of 'SNL'-Inspired Marijuana on Pot Farm
By Gary Trock on August 17, 2019 at 7:09 AM EDT
Jim Belushi is carrying on one of the longest traditions of "Saturday Night Live" by growing the strain of marijuana that some claim is responsible for the greatest sketches of all time.
Belushi operates a 93-acre legal cannabis farm out in Oregon, Belush Farms, and has been refining
cultivation methods for his high-grade pot over the last few years.
On Saturday morning, the "According to Jim" star revealed a healthy looking crop of one of his signature strains, "Captain Jack."
Showing off rows and rows of mature marijuana plants, Belushi's plants appeared to be nearing their harvest date, which for outdoor plants in Oregon, typically takes place in October.
"Our Captain Jack’s ‘Smell of SNL’ is looking very healthy!" Belushi captioned his video.

Captain Jack / Belushi Farms
Captain Jack is actually real person, and during the '70s was the most famous guy backstage at "SNL," while stars like Chevy Chase and Dan Aykroyd cooked up comedy gold in front of the cameras.
Back in the day, Captain Jack traveled to the Middle East and befriended the marijuana farmers in Afghanistan.
He learned how to cultivate their prized strain, Gulzar Afghanica, or "Garden of Afghanica."
Captain Jack brought the pot back to the U.S. and introduced it to his famous friends, who immediately fell in love.
The pot was so popular backstage, that it became known as "The Smell of SNL."

Belushi writes on his website,
"We also can’t say for certain if there’d be The Coneheads, John Belushi’s Samurai, or even The Blues Brothers if it weren’t for Captain Jack. But we can say this: 30 Rockefeller Plaza was filled with the aroma of Captain Jack’s famous goods, and the powers-that-be let that sweet smoke swirl."