'Girl's Girl' Era On TikTok: 'We Need To Support One Another'
By Melanie VanDerveer on July 19, 2024 at 4:45 PM EDT
A trend that's been picking up speed on TikTok is all about being a "girl's girl."
A content creator who goes by Arigato Grande recently jumped on this trend when she saw something concerning while eating at a restaurant. Her video grabbed lots of attention, and even brought some lessons into the chat for anyone else who thinks they may want to help a stranger in the future.
Being A 'Girl's Girl' Is Alive And Well On TikTok!

If you spend any amount of time scrolling your FYP on TikTok, you've likely come across a video or two that's focused on helping a stranger who may be unaware of a cheating partner.
Content creator Ari decided to jump into action in the hopes of helping a pregnant woman find out the truth about what her husband was up to one recent evening.
"I was just enjoying dinner with my partner and thought the couple next to me was having a cute date. They were avidly flirting with each other and seemed to be having a good time," Ari told The Blast exclusively. "I thought they were a couple until I heard the man say something and then 'my pregnant wife.' This perked up my ears because I thought he was on a date. I didn't see a wedding band so I thought maybe I misheard it, but kept listening and he repeated it not once, not twice, but at least three times."
Ari said she overheard the man tell the woman he was dining with that "his pregnant wife was too tired." This conversation angered Ari who said the woman he was with "didn't seem to care that this man was married."
"She was very much throwing herself at him, asking things like, 'Do you even like me?' and 'OMG, you're so handsome,' and 'You have to take a shot with me,'" Ari said. "I'm a girl's girl and honestly it's because I've been on every side of this situation in my youth and I understand how painful it can be for everyone involved. I felt really bad for the wife and that is why I made the video."
Ari Shared A Video On TikTok To Warn The Wife
In the video, Ari made sure to not record their faces or get their names. She said she was just hoping the video would reach the wife somehow.
"I was purely trying to reach out to the wife and if she felt this described her situation, I hope she would reach out so I can give her all the information I had," she said. "I would be able to confirm what her husband looked like if she showed me. And after speaking to her and giving her all she needed, I would delete the video."
The video was shared on TikTok on July 10, and is still up, meaning Ari has yet to find the wife. She did speak to a few women and confirmed that their husbands "were in the clear" because they weren't the person she saw and overheard in the restaurant.
"I even found out who the girl was because apparently she was regularly spotted at that restaurant with multiple different men. But even with her info, I did not want to out her," Ari told The Blast. "As much as I am a fan of social consequences for poor behavior, especially when displayed brazenly in public, that was not my intention nor my purpose for making the video."
Many viewers of the video dropped into the comments to share their thoughts on trying to find the wife to warn her.
"This is literally your golden ticket to the girl heaven. The amount of detail and you all but drew this man. You’re amazing," one viewer wrote. Another said, "I love that women are sharing on the internet more about this."
One Comment Struck A Nerve But Taught Some Lessons
One comment on the original video started to "stir the pot" a bit, but then proved to just be a mini-lesson in being a "girl's girl" and the legality of sharing things such as this online.
Someone who goes by @hudddy19 on TikTok wrote in the comments, "Listen plz take this video of me down asap this is not ok. It’s not what it looks like." Ari replied that her DM is open if he cares to explain himself, to which he then replied, "No need to explain already opened a disposition with the OC civil courts."
"As someone who is versed in law, having been pre-law in college and worked at a law firm for some time, I was not concerned as they had no grounds to sue me," Ari told The Blast. "I made response videos explaining why their efforts would be fruitless as I did not expose anyone's identity throughout this process."
After a few video responses, Ari got a message from the commenter that he was not the actual man and just saw an opportunity to "stir the pot and create more engagement for the video in the hopes that it reaches the right party."
The commenter ended up getting death threats and someone even managed to find his fiance and message her about the situation causing him some trouble.
"Though I don't agree with his actions or methods, I will say it did create engagement, which helped the video reach a broader audience," Ari said. "I still want transparency on my page though rather than fake engagement, so I made another video with an update clarifying that he is not the actual man in the video."
Ari Took This Opportunity To Share A Lesson On Filming In A Public Place
Since the door was opened to explain why someone can't sue over a video such as the one Ari shared, she took the opportunity to educate viewers. This way, if another "girl's girl" wants to share a similar video, she doesn't have to be worried about being threatened with a lawsuit.
"While patrons have a reasonable expectation of privacy in certain areas, such as restrooms or changing rooms, the rest of the restaurant is generally considered to be a public space where surveillance can be legally conducted," she shared in her video.
One person wrote in the comments, "When men get in trouble for being cheaters they throw tantrums," and another added, "Girl even if you DID say names defamation cases can only be won if the person can prove lost wages. They know nothing."
TikTok Is A 'Powerful Force Of Positivity And Information'

One thing that can't be denied is the power of social media, and TikTok particularly brings people together. With the lingering possibility of TikTok being banned in the future, Ari said that would be "depriving" every one of the "wealth of knowledge we currently have at our fingertips."
"TikTok has its pros and cons, but I think overall it is a powerful force of positivity and information. I have learned so much since installing this app from general knowledge, world news, differing perspectives, popular trends, and overall just so many shared experiences that we can't always find in our own lifetimes," she said.
"I hope it doesn't get banned because we would be depriving ourselves of the wealth of knowledge we currently have at our fingertips. Instagram reels unfortunately seem so toxic and Facebook videos are heavily edited and almost forced ads. I feel like TikTok is much more positive and grounded in reality in comparison."
Would Ari ever share another "girl's girl" video in the future if the opportunity presented itself again? She said she would.
"I'm a girl's girl because in a world built in favor of men and against women, we need to support one another. Everyone deserves to be honored, loved, cherished, and respected in their relationship," she said. "And even if he was in an open relationship or polyamorous, to speak so disparagingly about your wife who is carrying your bloodline, your child, your legacy, it was disgusting and disappointing to hear."
And in the end, Ari really hopes the outcome for this instance is that she was wrong about the whole thing.
"I really would love to be wrong so there is one less heartbroken woman out there being cheated on," she said. "The second best scenario is that I end up speaking to the wife, sharing the information I have, and then removing the video so we can all move on. I don't like confrontation or being involved in other people's business, but if I were in her shoes, I would hope someone would tell me so I can make the best decision for myself and my baby."