Matthew Perry smiling

Matthew Perry Death Investigation Could Expose Hollywood Drug Dealing World

Home / Entertainment / Matthew Perry Death Investigation Could Expose Hollywood Drug Dealing World

By Kelly Coffey-Behrens on July 6, 2024 at 11:00 AM EDT

The investigation into "Friends" actor Matthew Perry's death is ongoing, and as more details emerge, the Hollywood world may be exposed.

The LAPD, the US Drug Enforcement Administration, and the US Postal Inspection Service are working together to try and find out how Perry, who passed away on October 28, 2023, got a hold of the ketamine, which was determined to be the cause of death. While the actor was in ketamine treatment, the autopsy concluded that the drug could not have been administered through his therapy based on the drug's half-life and the timing of his last treatment.

As The Blast reported, two big-name celebrities are being investigated concerning Matthew Perry's death, and now the LAPD says charges are expected to be announced and may even include involuntary manslaughter.

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LAPD's Investigation Into 'Friends' Actor's Death Continues

Actor Matthew Perry listens as actor Martin Sheen testifies during a hearing

In addition to Brooke Mueller, who was once married to actor Charlie Sheen, another female B-list celeb is linked to Matthew Perry's overdose, and while the identity of the woman has yet to be announced, Page Six reports that the star "was very close to Perry for many years and the pair even appeared on-screen together."

Plus, photographic evidence shows Perry and this second individual together at the office of a doctor who prescribes ketamine. The publication contacted the doctor’s office, which claims Perry was never seen as a patient and that they “are not talking with any law enforcement about any cases at this time.”

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Two Celebrities Are Being Looked Into Concerning Matthew Perry's Fatal Ketamine Overdose

Matthew Perry at the 'Kiss The Girls' Premiere

While the second celeb's identity remains a secret, law enforcement could obtain her cell phone as they are "100 percent sure the feds will find the text messages between the two that will expose a lot of information that could help their investigation," per a source who spoke with InTouch magazine.

The two also reportedly had numerous late-night discussions about their addictions, struggles with sobriety, and personal lives.

“If the feds had either one of their phones — especially [the second celeb’s], because she doesn’t erase her text messages — they would probably find conversations about the drug and ‘How can I get extra?’ Like, ‘Oh, come see my doctor if you need more,’” the source told InTouch. “It will not look good for the celebrity.”

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Drug Rings In Hollywood Could Be Exposed

Matthew Perry at a film screening in Beverly Hills, CA.

As the investigation continues, former CIA and FBI special agent Tracy Walder told Page Six that multiple individuals could face charges. Walder further explained that there has been a significant increase in drug rings committing mail fraud by sending prescription medication through the mail, which is a federal offense.

“Intent is going to be the question,” she told the outlet. “They obviously knew what they were doing was wrong [by drug dealing]. However, did they actively know that by procuring this it would kill him?”

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“Using the mail to commit a crime is more common than you think,” she added. “People pay a heap of money to buy drugs… say, someone gets a legal prescription for ketamine and maybe has a $20 copay on insurance, then decides to sell the prescription for $10k because this junkie needs it and they know he has the money. There is big money to be made."

“There are whole networks, it’s really disturbing. It’s now easier to get drugs by mail than fake an identity.”

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Manslaughter Charges Could Be Coming

Matthew Perry at "The Kennedys-After Camelot" red carpet premiere

The former CIA agent disclosed that there could be involuntary manslaughter charges, potentially leading to a sentence of up to five years in prison. However, there will be no murder charges, as Perry consumed the ketamine himself.

As to how he got the drug, Walder suggests Perry could have swapped prescriptions with friends and then asked an assistant to pick up the drugs.

“He could easily have been procuring drugs through friends, ‘if you give me money I will give you my prescription’, there is a whole market that way,” she told PageSix.

“It’s incredibly sad, I feel sad for Matthew Perry … [but] the people that fed off [his] weakness are problematic," she continued. "I would love to see some kind of felony conviction for the people that were procuring the drugs for him, something that is going to stick with them for the rest of their lives.”

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'Doctor Feelgoods' Take Over Los Angeles

Matthew Perry in a beige suit jacker

A different source exposed LA as being filled with “Doctor Feelgoods” who prescribe narcotics to known addicts.

“I was very close with him and when he started on ketamine, he told me, ‘This is fantastic’, He wanted to go into business with some guy, and obviously this guy was giving him as much as he wanted," the source told PageSix. "But you can’t do that with an addict, it was terrible. I think he was able to get it without even seeing a doctor, it was like Anna Nicole Smith.”

The LAPD is preparing for a press conference to announce potential charges.
