Julia Molinari

Let's Make Gnocchi With Jersey's Own Julia Molinari!

Home / Entertainment / Let's Make Gnocchi With Jersey's Own Julia Molinari!

By Melanie VanDerveer on June 22, 2024 at 6:15 PM EDT

Julia Molinari knows her way around the kitchen. Her many cooking demonstration videos on TikTok help others to learn how to make fresh Italian delicacies including pizza, pasta, and desserts.

Molinari recently shared a video to show how she makes fresh gnocchi when she's craving potato pasta.

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Julia Molinari Makes Fresh Gnocchi!

Julia Molinari
TikTok | Julia Molinari

When Molinari is craving something particular, she heads right for her kitchen to make it from scratch.

"I'm feeling pasta. Potato pasta. Gnocchi, gnocchi," she said in her Italian Jersey accent. "Idaho potato. Boiled, just until they're fork tender."

She then demonstrated how she shreds the boiled potato and prepares it to become a delicious fresh-made gnocchi pasta.

Molinari then cracks an egg, scrambles it, and adds it to the center of the shredded potato on the cutting board. After giving it "a little mix," she adds in the flour, salt, and pecorino romano cheese, mixes it all together, and kneads it into a long roll shape.

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Julia Molinari Then Cut The Freshly Made Dough Into Pieces

It's now time to cut the dough into little gnocchi pieces and then drop them into some boiling water to cook.

"These are gonna cook really fast," she said while she added the gnocchi to the water. "They float to the top when they're done."

Molinari went outside to pick some fresh sage from her garden to add to a pan with some butter and then added her cooked gnocchi.

Many of her TikTok followers dropped into the comment section to share their thoughts on her gnocchi.

"My grandmother used to make gnocchi for almost every family gathering and as a kid. I could eat like 4 plates of it. Always had it with her tomato sauce though," one person wrote. Another added, "So simple but so good."

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Dessert Time! 'Let's Make A Cheesecake'

After enjoying your homemade plate of gnocchi, why not have a fresh-made dessert? Molinari recently shared a demo of making a chocolate Italian cheesecake, and it looks like perfection on a plate.

Molinari pulls out all her ingredients and makes it look super simple to make the perfect chocolate cheesecake.

After mixing together all her ingredients and baking it, in a way Molinari does flawlessly, she tried her masterpiece and said, "Holy cow. That's so much better than, I mean, I was expecting it to be good, but wasn't expecting it to be that good."

She then offered her father a piece of her freshly made chocolate cheesecake before saying, "It's so light and moist and perfect."

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Julia Molinari Is A Jersey Shore Lover!

When Molinari isn't wowing her social media followers with her recipes, she's often found at the Jersey Shore and shares photos and videos on her Instagram page.

She recently shared a photo of her enjoying a drive on Ocean Ave. Another recent Instagram post also shows the beach lover dressed and ready for some summer fun.

"Absolutely stunning," one follower wrote in the comment section. Another said, "A supermodel that makes bomb pizza." One other viewer wrote, "The best pizza maker."

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Cooking, Dancing, And Beach Days...

In addition to being a whiz in the kitchen, Molinari is also quite the dancer. She's shared some dance photos on Instagram in the past and her followers are impressed with her flexibility and dance skills.

"These are so sick! Love this whole vibe!" one follower wrote in the comments of her pinned dance photos shared in April 2023. Another person wrote, "These are insanely well done."

And because of her love of the beach and water, she often shares photos from the Jersey Shore relaxing in the sand or enjoying some time out on the water in a boat.

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