
O.J. Simpson Compares Recent Mass Shootings to Nazi Germany: 'Sounds Familiar'

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By TheBlast Staff on August 4, 2019 at 9:21 AM EDT


O.J. Simpson is a self-proclaimed history buff and he believes the circumstances that exist in this country, which manifested itself in the form of two mass shootings this weekend, are similar to those in Germany during the 1930s.

"I want to start by sending my condolences to El Paso and Ohio," O.J. began in a video posted on his Twitter page on Sunday. "Man, it's horrible, all Americans should be affected by this."

He continued, "Recently, I was watching a show on the History Channel about Germany in the '30s and how they came out of the Great Depression. They were effected as much as anyone, mainly because of the sanctioned placed on them because of World War I, deservedly so."

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O.J. further explained, "In any event, they came flying out of that depression and they building roads ... affordable cars for all Germans ... and they were working. Their factories were booming. Now we know they were building U-boats and tanks."

He continued, "In any event, their economy was booming. Then they added something, they added hatred. Hatred for a people, for a race of people, and for a religion. And we know what that led to."

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O.J. started to bring it back to current events, saying, "What's amazing, is when the war was over, how many Germans said they didn't know the atrocities were taking place? I guess they were too blinded by the economy.

He then added, "Now, in America, our economy is booming — thank God, love it. What else is booming? Hatred. To me, anyone who is not speaking out loudly against the ideology that these people have that are committing these crimes, against the guns that are being used for the crimes, if they're not against it, they must be for it."

O.J. summed it all up, saying, "Booming economy. Hatred. Sounds familiar."

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Simpson joined Twitter back in June and his appearance on the social media platform was met with almost universal disdain.

Last month, while interviewing Ron Goldman's sister, Howard Stern told his millions of fans that he believes O.J. Simpson should be kicked off Twitter.
