Hunter Biden speaking

Hunter Biden Found Guilty On All Counts In Gun Trial

Home / Breaking News / Hunter Biden Found Guilty On All Counts In Gun Trial

By Kelly Coffey-Behrens on June 11, 2024 at 11:20 AM EDT
Updated on June 11, 2024 at 11:22 AM EDT

Hunter Biden, the President's only surviving son, stood trial in Delaware on three felony charges connected to his 2018 firearm purchase. He allegedly made false statements and illegally possessed the firearm due to his reported drug use at the time.

On Tuesday, June 11, the jury, which consisted of 12 individuals, including a substitute teacher, a former Secret Service employee, and several gun owners, went into deliberation.

After just a few hours, the jury came back with a verdict in Hunter Biden's gun trial.

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Why Was Hunter Biden On Trial?

Hunter Biden talking

President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, was on trial after a four-page indictment accused him of lying on paperwork for purchasing a Colt Cobra revolver in 2018.

As reported by The Washington Post, the indictment alleges Hunter falsely claimed he was not addicted to or using illegal drugs, knowing this was untrue. The required form asked: "Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?" Hunter answered, "No," although it is believed he was using drugs at the time.

Hunter has previously been candid about his addiction, leading many to speculate that the cocaine found in the White House last year belonged to the President's son.

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Jury Finds Hunter Biden Guilty

Hunter Biden arrives at courthouse for gun trial

Hunter Biden faced three felonies in connection to his alleged revolver purchase in October 2018.

Two of these charges allege that he provided false statements regarding his drug use on a federal gun form, stating he was neither using nor addicted to controlled substances despite an alleged addiction to crack cocaine. The third charge relates to the unlawful possession of the firearm, which he purportedly held for 11 days before Hallie Biden discarded it.

The jury has found Hunter Biden on all three counts. Two of those counts carry a maximum sentence of 10 years, and one carries a maximum sentence of 5 years. However, as he is a first-time offender, it is unlikely that he will receive the maximum sentence.

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The verdict comes after attorney Abbe Lowell claimed "nothing on the form about the definition of a user" and that Hunter's drug use "did not start until later."

Lowell also told the jury that Hunter's behavior when purchasing a gun in Delaware was "totally inconsistent" with how he had acted while under the influence of drugs.

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Hallie Biden Takes The Stand In Gun Trial

Hunter Biden seen at Trial in Wilmington, DE

Throughout Hunter Biden's trial, many witnesses testified, including Hallie Biden, who disposed of his gun.

On Thursday, June 6, 2024, Hallie testified as to why she decided to dispose of the gun, claiming she "panicked."

"I wanted to get rid of them," she told the jury, per CBS, referring to the gun and the bullets she found. "I didn't want him to hurt himself or the kids to find it and hurt themselves."

“I took it to a grocery store up the road, and I threw it away ... into a trash can,” she explained as the court showed surveillance footage of her in the grocery store parking lot. “I was so flustered. I realize it was a stupid idea now.”

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Also, in her testimony, the 50-year-old, who dated Hunter shortly after Hunter's brother-in-law passed away, admitted that she used crack cocaine herself after the President's son introduced the drug to her. "It was a terrible experience that I went through, and I'm embarrassed and ashamed, and I regret that period of my life," she said, per CBS.

Hunter Biden's Ex Testified

Close up of Hunter Biden

In addition to Hallie Biden, Hunter Biden's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle testified, claiming that although she did not witness him using drugs, she discovered narcotics in their home and his car.

In her testimony, Buhle, who was married to Hunter Biden for 20 years, mentioned that although she couldn't specify the exact times she saw paraphernalia or witnessed Hunter using drugs, she first became aware of his drug use in July 2015 when she found a crack pipe in an ashtray on their porch in Washington, D.C.

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"On occasion, she found a broken pipe, something to clean the pipe, white powder, white crystal remnants, and other drug paraphernalia," NBC reported during the trial. "She would also search Biden’s car for drugs when he left it for his daughters to use because she didn’t want her daughters driving a car with drugs in it."

The two divorced in 2017. They share three daughters.

President Joe Biden's Son Faces Nine Federal Tax Charges

Hunter Biden seen at Trial in Wilmington, DE

In addition to the gun trial, Hunter Biden faces nine federal tax charges that are separate from the current case.  The tax charges, filed by Weiss' office in the Central District of California, accuse Hunter Biden of a "four-year scheme" to avoid paying at least $1.4 million in federal taxes.

These tax charges are not admissible in his Delaware gun trial, and Hunter has pleaded not guilty to them.
