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Disney Execs Receive Death Threats Over 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' Rights

Home / Exclusive / Disney Execs Receive Death Threats Over 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' Rights

By Kelly Coffey-Behrens on June 8, 2024 at 9:30 AM EDT

A man appears determined to acquire the rights to "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and is willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goal.

According to documents obtained by The Blast, 23-year-old Seth Daniel Stewart AKA Angel Cross has been threatening Disney executives, demanding he get the rights to own the popular television show.

Specifically, the individual has sent "violent" threats to several Disney executives and attorneys, stating that he wants to purchase the rights to "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," leading to a request for a restraining order.

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Individual Begins Sending 'Violent Threats' To Disney Executives

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Per the documents obtained by The Blast, Mr. Stewart began contacting senior The Walt Disney Company executives and attorneys in September of 2022, stating that he wanted to purchase the rights to the TV show, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

One of those individuals is TanyaLiaMenton, a lawyer for The Walt Disney Company.

Since September 2022, Mr. Stewart's contacts have "escalated into violent threats, including on May 10, 2024, when [he] left voicemails stating, 'Tanya Menton . . . and everyone that works at The Walt Disney Company. I

am coming after you and your souls within the next couple of weeks. Don't take this too kindly because I'm

gonna come after you.'"

Another stated, "I'm gonna kill Tanya Menton. And then I'm gonna kill all the woke executives at Disney."

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Threatening Voicemails Left By Seth Daniel Stewart

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Furthermore, on May 14, 2024, Mr. Stewart left more voicemails to The Walt Disney Company stating, "I know where you live .. . I'm going to come visit you. If you don't give me what I want. It's going to happen in a couple of months or less. Good luck and be ready for me. Your Satan overlord," and "I am so mentally deranged, and I am coming after you," per the legal docs.

"Within the next couple weeks, I'm gonna first come after you. And I'm gonna come after Tanya Menton. . . [a]nd all those dipsh-t wolf people that work at 20th Television and The Walt Disney Company," the same voicemail said.

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Seth Daniel Stewart Threatens To 'Bomb' Disney

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The legal documents also claim that Seth Daniel Stewart has threatened to "bomb" Disney and mentioned letters with a "white powdery substance."

He also repeatedly ordered "Domino's pizzas to Ms. Menton's home and to Disney's offices at all hours of the night, demonstrating his personal knowledge of Ms. Menton's and Disney employees' personal information and addresses."

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Demanding The Rights To 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer'

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Between May 5, 2023, and May 2, 2024, Disney and Ms. Menton received dozens of voicemails from Mr. Stewart, "requesting that Disney grant [him] rights to purchase 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' and singing songs like, 'Never Going to Give You Up,'" per the legal docs.

Between January 1, 2024, and January 16, 2024, Ms. Menton received several "strange and threatening emails" from Mr. Stewart, which included "older pictures of Ms. Menton and other Disney employees."

The emails stated that his actions were meant to "teach you all a lesson on what happens when you mess with an autistic person."

On January 25, 2024, Disney discovered that the personal information of Disney employees, including Ms. Menton, were posted on the dark web.

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On January 29, 2024, Ms. Menton received an email from a person purporting to be "Seth Kingsley, president and CEO of Kingsley Entertainment" and claimed to be interested in "knowing if the rights to the show 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' are available for licensing opportunities."

More Emails And Voicemails Sent To The Walt Disney Company

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Several more threatening and concerning emails were sent in the following days, weeks, and months, including one that said, "l am the lord, your god. I brought you out of Egypt. I did not want you to be slaves in Egypt anymore. I will turn against you. Then, your enemies will win the battle over you. You will run away. And then I'm going to break you. I'm going to torture you. And then you're all going to be mine in Satan's Kingdom."

Another said, "You're gonna pay for what you've done. And when you pay you're gonna burn in hell and I'm gonna watch you burn like a chicken in the oven. Oh yeah, it's gonna be really tasty when I eat you up.. .. HAHAAHAHHA. You're gonna burn, your mother going to burn, your sister going burn, your wife going to burn and all your children are going to be mine."

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Restraining Order Filed

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Disney's lawyer, Tanya Menton, has "suffered extreme emotional distress and anxiety as a result of [Mr. Stewart's] incessant contacts and threats of violence" and has filed for a restraining order.

Per the docs, she requests Mr. Stewart not "harass, intimidate, molest, attack, strike, stalk, threaten, assault (sexually or otherwise), hit, abuse, destroy personal property of, or disturb the peace of the person."

If grated, he cannot "commit acts of unlawful violence on or make threats of violence to the person" or "follow or stalk [Ms. Menton] during work hours or to or from the place of work."

The restraining order would also forbid him to contact Ms. Menton directly or indirectly "by any means."

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