President Biden delivers remarks on the border

Bombshell Report Exposes Concerning Details Of Joe Biden's Cognitive Decline

Home / News / Bombshell Report Exposes Concerning Details Of Joe Biden's Cognitive Decline

By Kelly Coffey-Behrens on June 5, 2024 at 5:08 PM EDT

President Joe Biden's mental health has been a topic of discussion among Americans and politicians for years. As the 2024 Presidential Election creeps up on the nation, experts are again examining the President's cognitive behavior.

Doctors are now calling for President Joe Biden to take a cognitive test after seeing the results of a new bombshell report.

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New Report Reveals President's Mental Decline

President Biden delivers remarks on the border

After a new bombshell report was released, doctors are calling for Joe Biden to take a cognitive test and publicize the results.

Several individuals "who either participated in meetings with Biden or were briefed on them contemporaneously" spoke to The Wall Street Journal, and several "expressed concern about Biden."

"[They] said the behavior they saw suggested an unevenness, not the caricature of an addled leader that some of his political opponents draw," WSJ reported.

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Doctors Call For An Investigation

Joe Biden sitting at his desk

Dr Stuart Fischer, an internal medicine physician in New York City, commented on the WSJ report, claiming Biden needs to be investigated.

"We are long overdue for this type of investigation," he told DailyMail. "No one likes to admit or recognize the passage of time, whether it is me or the President of the United States, but in certain cases, you have to."

"We have to keep an open mind about the result, of course, but resistance from either side [doctor or Biden] is not a good sign," he added.

While Dr. Fischer "understands the President's reluctance [to take a cognitive test]," his physician's "reluctance is harder to understand."

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'"He is a doctor, not a spin doctor, he is a medical doctor... who took an oath, like I did, to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. His patient should come first," he told the outlet. "[Biden] is a public servant, an elected official... and does have some responsibility to the people who voted for him."

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Past Mistakes Joe Biden Has Made

President Joe Biden speaking

According to the WSJ, President Biden confused two of his Hispanic cabinet members, Alejandro Mayorkas and Xavier Becerra in January.

At a February fundraiser in New York, he mentioned talking with German Chancellor Helmut Kohl during the 2021 G-7 summit, despite Kohl's passing in 2017.

Additionally, in the same month, "he claimed to have spoken with former French President François Mitterrand at the 2021 G-7 summit, even though Mitterrand died in 1996," the WSJ reports.

Americans have questioned Joe Biden’s age for years, but they amped up after Special Counsel Robert K. Hur interviewed him for roughly five hours over two days. He reported that Biden’s memory had been “significantly limited.”

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The President of the United States responded to the comment in a news conference: “I know what the hell I’m doing.”

President Joe Biden Has Had Fewer Meetings

Joe Biden Visits Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day

According to the Wall Street Journal's latest report, "[Biden] has had fewer small meetings with lawmakers as his term has gone on, visitor logs show. During his first year in office, even with pandemic restrictions, he held more than three dozen meetings of fewer than 20 lawmakers in the West Wing. That number fell to roughly two dozen in his second year, and about a dozen in his third year."

Eyewitnesses, including Idaho Republican Senator James E. Risch, who attended a meeting with Biden in January 2024, also spoke to the outlet.

“What you see on TV is what you get,” the Senator said. “These people who keep talking about what a dynamo he is behind closed doors—they need to get him out from behind closed doors, because I didn’t see it.”

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Another unidentified person told WSJ “You couldn’t be there and not feel uncomfortable. I’ll just say that.”

The President Is 'Fit To Serve'

Joe Biden Visits Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day

Despite these claims, The White House said Biden's doctors "have found him fit to serve, and that his recent annual physical showed no need for a cognitive test."

He did undergo an "extremely detailed neurological exam" that ruled out "stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, or ascending lateral sclerosis."

In February, Dr. Kevin O’Connor released a five-page summary, in which he claimed, “President Biden remains a healthy, vigorous, 80-year-old male, who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the presidency, to include those as chief executive, head of state and commander in chief."

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