Hunter Biden talking

Hunter Biden's Ex-Wife Exposes Hidden Drugs Found During Gun Trial Testimony

Home / News / Hunter Biden's Ex-Wife Exposes Hidden Drugs Found During Gun Trial Testimony

By Kelly Coffey-Behrens on June 5, 2024 at 2:45 PM EDT

Hunter Biden, 54, is on trial as he faced three felonies related to his purchase of a revolver in October 2018.

As The Blast previously reported, Joe Biden's son is accused of making false statements on a federal gun form regarding his drug use, falsely certifying that he was not a user of or addicted to any controlled substances during that time. However, prosecutors allege he was addicted to crack cocaine.

He has pleaded not guilty.

During his ongoing trial, Hunter Biden's ex-wife took the stand, testifying that she had found drugs in the home and his car in the past.

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Hunter Biden Goes To Trial

Hunter Biden offers remarks on the House GOP impeachment investigation

Hunter Biden is currently on trial for gun-related charges stemming from an October 2018 purchase of a Colt Cobra .38 Special revolver. President Joe Biden's son is accused of deceiving a federally licensed gun dealer, providing false information on the gun application, and unlawfully possessing the gun for 11 days.

It was discarded in an outdoor receptacle by Hallie Biden, whom he was dating then.

If convicted on all counts, Hunter Biden could face up to 25 years in prison and $750,000 in fines. The trial is ongoing.

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Hunter Biden's Ex-Wife Testifies

Hunter Biden offers remarks on the House GOP impeachment investigation

According to NBC,Kathleen Buhle, who was married to Hunter Biden for 20 years, took the stand on Wednesday, June 5, in his gun trial, claiming that while she did not witness him using drugs, she did find narcotics in the home and his car.

Per her testimony, while she couldn’t list the exact times when she saw paraphernalia or when she saw Hunter using drugs, Buhle says she first became aware of his drug use in July 2015 after she found a crack pipe in an ashtray on their porch in Washington, D.C.

The line of questioning then focused on 2015, as prosecutor Leo Wise asked Buhle what Hunter was doing that year. “He had a business. I really don’t know exactly what he was working on,” Buhle said on the stand.

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Hunter moved out of the home “after I found the crack pipe,” but she clarified that she didn’t consider a separation until “the infidelity.”

The two divorced in 2017. They share three daughters.

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Kathleen Buhle Found Drugs In His Car

Close up of Hunter Biden

According to NBC, Kathleen Buhle claimed she found drugs and paraphernalia in the house and his car on multiple occasions.

“Did you see drugs in his car on more than one occasion?” prosecutor Leo Wise asked while she was on the stand, to which she confirmed she had.

"On occasion, she found a broken pipe, something to clean the pipe, white powder, white crystal remnants, and other drug paraphernalia," NBC reported. "She would also search Biden’s car for drugs when he left it for his daughters to use because she didn’t want her daughters driving a car with drugs in it."

Hunter's ex also testified that he had interacted with his friends and family while he was using drugs, but he was able to cover it up because Hunter could "function" while under the influence.

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Did He Admit To Having A Drug Problem?

Hunter Biden smiling

While Hunter Biden's ex-wife was on the stand, she was also asked if the President's son had ever acknowledged that he had an “addiction.”

“Did he use that word or a word like it?” she was asked. While she could not recall if he used that word specifically, she did testify that he had gone to therapy while they were married.

“In that therapy, was it talked about as an addiction?” prosecutor Leo Wise asked. “Yes,” she answered.

In the past, Hunter has been open about his addiction, which prompted many to believe that the cocaine found in the White House last year belonged to the President's son.

Hunter Biden Faces Nine Federal Tax Charges

Hunter Biden hugging his family

Aside from these charges, Hunter Biden also faces nine federal tax charges in the Central District of California in a second indictment brought by Weiss' office. Federal prosecutors allege he engaged in a "four-year scheme" to avoid paying at least $1.4 million in federal taxes.

References to these tax charges are not admissible in his gun trial in Delaware, and he has pleaded not guilty to the tax charges.

Hunter Biden's gun trial comes just days after former President Donald Trump was found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying court documents.

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