Hunter Biden smiling

Hunter Biden's Sister Arrives At Courthouse For His Gun Trial

Home / News / Hunter Biden's Sister Arrives At Courthouse For His Gun Trial

By Kelly Coffey-Behrens on June 4, 2024 at 10:15 AM EDT

Hunter Biden, 54, the son of President Joe Biden, 81, is facing three felony charges related to a gun he purchased in 2018. This comes months after he had nine charges brought against him by prosecutor David Weiss, which include failure to pay taxes from 2016 through 2019.

A jury of six men and six women with a wide age range and multiple gun owners was selected on Monday, June 3, 2024.

Ahead of the opening statements, expected on Tuesday, in Hunter Biden's gun trial, his sister, Ashley Biden, arrived at the courthouse along with Hunter's friend, Kevin Morris.

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Hunter Biden Goes To Trial

Close up of Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden is on trial after a four-page indictment accused him of lying when filling out the required paperwork to purchase a Colt Cobra revolver in 2018.

According to The Washington Post, the documents state that when he filled out the required form, he said he was not addicted to or using illegal drugs, however, the indictment claims, “when in fact, as he knew, that statement was false and fictitious."

After jury selection on Monday, the 12 individuals, which include a substitute teacher, a former Secret Service employee, and multiple gun owners, were ordered back in court on Tuesday for opening statements.

Hunter's gun trial comes six years after cocaine was found in the White House, which is believed to have belonged to the President's son.

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Family And Friends Arrive At The Courthouse

Hunter Biden offers remarks on the House GOP impeachment investigation

As the court prepares to hear opening statements in Hunter Biden's gun trial, his sister, Ashley Biden, arrived at the courthouse and walked in with Kevin Morris, a close friend of Hunter’s, per The Washington Post.

His wife, Melissa Cohen, also arrived alongside the President's son shortly before.

After the proceedings ended on Monday, the 54-year-old was seen hugging and exchanging kisses on the cheek with the First Lady. He then hugged and kissed multiple family members and friends on the cheek, including Kevin Morris.

He then exited the courtroom with his wife, Melissa Biden, with his hand on her shoulder.

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President Joe Biden did not appear on Monday and isn't expected to appear on Tuesday for opening statements either. He is scheduled to deliver opening remarks at 6:20 p.m. at the White House congressional picnic.

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Why Is Hunter Biden On Trial?

Hunter Biden holding a cell phone

Hunter Biden faces allegations of illegally buying and possessing a firearm while he was abusing or addicted to drugs, which breaches federal law. Hunter has entered a not-guilty plea to the three charges despite being candid about his battles with alcohol and crack cocaine addiction.

On October 12, 2018, the now 54-year-old entered StarQuest Shooters & Survival Supply in Wilmington, Delaware, telling the salesman he was interested in purchasing a Colt Cobra revolver, according to The Washington Post.

The store owner claimed he knew the Biden family lived a few miles away and that Joe Biden was not considered a gun rights supporter despite being a sponsor of a federal assault weapons ban that passed in 1994.

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According to the outlet, the store owner wanted to close the sale as quickly as possible because he did not want the public to know that the President's son was a customer.

The President's Son Purchased The Gun

Hunter Biden offers remarks on the House GOP impeachment investigation

In order to purchase the weapon, Hunter Biden federally required a federal-required form that asked questions such as height, weight, and birth date. According to The Washington Post, he checked boxes declaring he was not a fugitive, had never been convicted of a felony, and had never been committed to a mental institution.

The form also asked: “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?” Hunter marked “no.”

After running a background check, the 54-year-old bought the gun and several other items, including ammunition and a speed loader, and paid $886.81 in cash, per a receipt.

This marks the first time in American history that the child of the sitting President is going on trial.

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Donald Trump Found Guilty In Hush-Money Trial

Donald Trump leaves Trump Tower

Opening statements in Hunter Biden's trial come just days after former President Donald Trump became the first President to become a convicted criminal after he was found guilty on all 34 charges in his hush-money trial.

As previously reported by The Blast, the former President of the United States was on trial in relation to a 2016 hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels.

Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts.
