Gypsy Rose Blanchard takes a selfie

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Talks On The Constant 'Critiques' On Social Media

Home / Entertainment / Gypsy Rose Blanchard Talks On The Constant 'Critiques' On Social Media

By Kelly Coffey-Behrens on May 30, 2024 at 2:00 PM EDT

Gypsy Rose Blanchard, 32, went MIA on social media earlier this year but has since returned and continues sharing her post-prison day-to-day life with her fans.

Following her return to social media, Gypsy Rose has acknowledged the "critiques" she receives from the public, but that isn't stopping her from posting.

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Gypsy Rose Blanchard Goes Dark On Social Media

Gypsy Rose Blanchard at An Evening With Lifetime: Conversations On Controversies FYC Event

As The Blast previously reported, shortly after gaining millions of followers on Instagram and TikTok, Gypsy Rose Blanchard suddenly went MIA, deleting her Instagram account and deactivating her TikTok.

Fans were left shocked with many unanswered questions, but the ex-convict released a statement shortly after to clear the air.

"So a lot of people already noticed that I already deleted my Instagram—the public one—with the 7.8 million followers when I deactivated it or, I deleted it, I permanently deleted it," she told her fans. "A lot of people are like, ‘What happened?' and what happened is, I had a really good conversation with my dad and he gave me some guidance that I feel like I really needed."

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"And that guidance was that real life is something you can touch—something you can feel—people you can actually hug," she added.

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Gypsy Rose Blanchard Makes Triumphant Return To Social Media

Shortly after deleting and deactivating her social media accounts, she has since returned to TikTok and Instagram, making both accounts public and sharing photos and videos from her day-to-day life.

Not only has Gypsy shared selfies with her new boyfriend, Ken Urker, but she has also taken fans behind the scenes of her new glam up and along with her as she explored Hollywood, California.

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Returning To Social Media Has Come With 'Critiques'

When speaking to The Hollywood Reporter about her upcoming Lifetime docuseries, 'Gypsy Rose: Life After Lock Up,' the 32-year-old acknowledged her social media situation.

"I had deleted my public Instagram, and I had deactivated my public TikTok, with like 9.8 million followers, back in late February, early March, and recently came back on it," she told the outlet. "So I started a new Instagram and probably have about 50,000 followers now, and I still have the 9.8 million on TikTok. And I think knowing if you want to post, post with caution, because everything is very critiqued."

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"I could look at a post and see something innocent while everybody else will rip it apart. So I do daily check-ins where I’m like, 'OK, how am I doing, mentally and emotionally on social media right now? Do I need to take a step back?' And if I feel like that is necessary, I’ll do that for my own mental health," she concluded.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Previously Acknowledged The 'Public Scrutiny'

When explaining why she deleted her social media earlier this year, Gypsy Rose Blanchard told her followers, "With the public scrutiny as bad as it is, I just don't want to live my life under a microscope."

"So I created a private Instagram, and I got it verified," she continued. "And I had absolutely no doubts or trouble with deleting that public one. I had people who were like, ‘Oh my god, you're insane for deleting that kind of a following.' and I'm like, ‘I could give a F about a following.' That's not real life."

"I thought that once I got out of prison, I'd come out and I'd enjoy social media like the next person," she continued. "Taking selfies of myself in the mirror and just acting goofy and everything. It's the simple stuff in life, right?"

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She, obviously, has since returned to social media.

From Serving A Prison Sentence To Serving On Social Media

Gypsy Rose Blanchard at An Evening With Lifetime: Conversations On Controversies FYC Event

As The Blast previously reported, Gypsy Rose Blanchard completed 85% of her 10-year sentence after pleading guilty to the second-degree murder of her mother, Dee Dee Blanchard. She was released from prison in December 2023, and since then, she has been posting photos and videos of her daily life, including showing off a new hairstyle.

She has also gained millions of followers and fans as she continues to tell her story.
