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Harrison Butker

The Chiefs' Harrison Butker Just Went Full 'Handmaid’s Tale' On Us

Home / Entertainment / The Chiefs' Harrison Butker Just Went Full 'Handmaid’s Tale' On Us

By Heather Edwards on May 15, 2024 at 6:12 PM EDT
Updated on May 15, 2024 at 11:12 PM EDT

Harrison Butker, kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, has the internet in an absolute uproar over his May 11th commencement speech at Benedictine College—and I’m outraged as well.

If you’re not familiar with this viral—I mean VILE—clip, let’s get into it:

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Harrison Butker Gives Vile Commencement Speech

Harrison Butker
TikTok | Change.org

Basically, Butker tells this audience of graduates that women have been fed "diabolical lies," and he questions how many of them, about to cross the stage, are thinking about all the promotions and titles they're going to achieve in their careers. He acknowledges that SOME of them will lead successful careers but guesses that most are excited about their marriages and the children they'll bring into this world.

I’m literally sitting here gagging as I type. This is SO Handmaid’s Tale. Can we all please just start referring to him as The Commander now? His poor wife, Isabelle—I mean, Ofbutker (IYKYK).

This is all so Charlie Kirk-like...BARF.

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I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit here and let this video slide. How many times do men have to be told that women were not brought into existence to simply pop out babies and make them sandwiches??

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"The Commander and Ofbutker" AKA Harrison And Isabelle Butker

Elisabeth Moss

It’s obvious that’s what Butker believes. He literally said that his wife’s life "truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife." Even if that’s your twisted belief, who says that to a group of individuals who just spent years earning degrees so that they can enter the workforce? The workforce! The women sitting there didn't just complete "The School of Betty Homemakers."

Even though I am openly not a fan of college, I think his words are completely inappropriate and a slap in the face to the young women in that audience. How dare he.

The most disturbing part of this whole video is that you don’t hear one person booing or objecting to this nonsense. Why did the school approve of this obvious personal rhetoric?

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Oh wait...it’s a Catholic school. It’s starting to make sense now. Just like how "Ofbutker," AKA Isabelle, converted to Catholicism, and she and The Commander have since centered their faith in their marriage.

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From Independent To Catholic

Harrison Butker

In 2022, his wife Isabelle was a guest on The Unraveled Podcast. People magazine covered the story, saying, “She said she didn’t grow up very religious and was always more 'independent,' but in her senior year of college, as Harrison grew more devout in his faith, she began to explore it more herself.”

From "more independent" to more "Handmaid." Got it. That breaks my heart.

The article goes on to say, “After a spiritual experience during Mass, Isabelle said that she felt Catholicism was where she belonged and after she told Harrison, the two of them both broke down crying as he admitted he’d been praying every day for her to convert. The following Easter, she entered the church, and a month later, she and Harrison were engaged.” Wow.

Change.org Starts Petition For Chiefs To Dismiss Harrison Butker

Harrison Butker Change.org Petition

Towards the end of the video, Butker also makes negative comments about abortion and refers to being gay as the “deadly sins sort of pride.” I’m so done, and apparently, so is the majority of the internet.

Change.org currently has a petition running, calling on the Chiefs to dismiss Butker for making “several dehumanizing remarks during his commencement speech.” The petition states that his comments were “sexist, homophobic, anti-trans, anti-abortion, and racist.”

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Women: Know Your Value & Worth

Elisabeth Moss

Women need to know and be taught that they have the right to choose. We are all in control of our own lives; there isn’t some predetermined path set for us. If you want a family, great, have one. If you want to be a 'homemaker'—perfection, go do that—but only if it's truly YOUR choice. Do not let anyone try to brainwash you into thinking something other than what you actually feel in your bones

There are way too many Handmaid's Tale vibes floating around these days, and it scares the sh-t out of me. Ladies, if you haven't watched it - go watch it. We cannot let this happen.

If you want to be a badass, career-driven woman DO IT. If you want to be a single, child-free, work from home artist - DO IT! The combinations for your lives are endless and the best part is, YOU decide what works for you. Not Harrison Butker. Not any other man. Not any other person. It's all up to you, Babes.

Speeches like Butker’s are dangerous. Such young minds are impressionable, and having someone in an "authoritative" position give a commencement speech and project their own beliefs is 100% toxic, in my opinion. What do you think? Feel free to spout off in the comments.

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