Scooter Braun's Wife Comes to His Defense Against Taylor Swift: 'Who Are You to Talk About Bullying?'
By TheBlast Staff on June 30, 2019 at 3:20 PM EDT
Move over, Justin Bieber — Scooter Braun's wife is now defending him against Taylor Swift and she is not holding back one bit.
Yael Cohen Braun — who founded the charity F--k Cancer after her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer — unloaded on Swift after the singer called out Braun after the news broke that he acquired the record label that owned Swift's first six albums.
"Let's start with @taylorswift, whoa," Lael began. "Then let's get the facts straight. You were given the opportunity to own your masters, you passed. Interesting that the man you're so 'grossed out' by believed in you more than you believe in yourself. Your dad is a shareholder and was notified and Brochetta personally told you before this came out. So no, you didn't find out with the world."
She then went in on Swift's bullying accusations against Braun, writing, "And girl, who are you to talk about bullying? The world watched you collect and drop friends like wilted flowers. My husband is anything but a bully, he's spent his life standing up for people and causes he believes in ... Beyond that, it's easy to see that the point of putting this out was to get people to bully him. You are supposed to be a role model, but continue to model bullying."
Lael then defended Braun for any part he might played in Swift's feud with Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, writing, "He's a manager, not God. He cannot control actions of other humans, even ones he manages. Don't blame him because Kim Kardashian caught you in a lie, its embarrassing I know-but adults own up to their mistakes. We learn and grow from them, we don't divert blame and blur the lines of reality to suit our needs."
She then referred to Swift's Tumblr post as "embarrassing" and a "temper tantrum."
Lael concluded her post by saying, "Lastly, if you think he can control his clients, please control your fans. Leave our personal life and kids out of this. You don't understand yet what line that crosses, but one day you will. And I hope you have the dignity, class and kindness to leave your fans out of this and have an open discussion. Tumblr can't fix this, a phone call can."
Yael's passionate defense came after Bieber wrote one of his own, in which he both apologized to Swift for his past actions but admonished her for her current ones.
The Biebs responded Sunday afternoon, writing, "First of all i would like to apologize for posting that hurtful instagram post, at the time i thought it was funny but looking back it was distasteful and insensitive."
Bieber then defended his manager, writing, "I have to be honest though it was my caption and post that I screenshoted of scooter and Kanye that said 'taylor swift what up' he didnt have anything to do with it and it wasnt even a part of the conversation in all actuality he was the person who told me not to joke like that."
But then his post took a turn and he took a shot at Swift for her decision to write the blog at all, saying, "As the years have passed we haven’t crossed paths and gotten to communicate our differences, hurts or frustrations. So for you to take it to social media and get people to hate on scooter isn’t fair. What were you trying to accomplish by posting that blog? seems to me like it was to get sympathy u also knew that in posting that your fans would go and bully scooter."
In Swift's lengthy Tumblr post about Braun's acquisition of Big Machine Label Group (which owns her first six albums), she described the move as her "worst case scenario."
Swift went on to explain, "When I left my masters in Scott’s hands, I made peace with the fact that eventually he would sell them. Never in my worst nightmares did I imagine the buyer would be Scooter. Any time Scott Borchetta has heard the words 'Scooter Braun' escape my lips, it was when I was either crying or trying not to. He knew what he was doing; they both did. Controlling a woman who didn’t want to be associated with them. In perpetuity. That means forever."
Swift also accused Braun of "incessant, manipulative bullying," explaining, "Like when Kim Kardashian orchestrated an illegally recorded snippet of a phone call to be leaked and then Scooter got his two clients together to bully me online about it. ... Or when his client, Kanye West, organized a revenge porn music video which strips my body naked. Now Scooter has stripped me of my life’s work, that I wasn’t given an opportunity to buy. Essentially, my musical legacy is about to lie in the hands of someone who tried to dismantle it."