Did A TikToker Catch A Time Traveler On Their Ring Camera Footage?
By Melanie VanDerveer on May 4, 2024 at 4:05 PM EDT
The topic of time travel isn't new, but after Alec Schaal shared some Ring camera footage on TikTok, it's opening a new portal of possibilities for many.
Schaal's viral video has people questioning if time travel is an actual possibility or if he's just messing with everyone somehow.
Is Alex Schaal's Shed A Portal To Another Dimension?

Beam me up, Alec!
So let's start from the beginning. Schaal has posted a series of videos on the topic of the confused stranger in his yard that appears to time travel as the Ring camera captures all the fun!
"This dude's coming onto my property to, what looks like rob my house, but it actually turns out he is a time traveler," Schaal said in his first video in the series. (We're off to a strong start!) "I literally can't even make this up if I wanted to make this up. It blows my mind."
In the footage, the man appears to just be "wandering around" the backyard of Schaal's Airbnb. He looks lost or confused as he circles the small yard before entering the shed.
Schaal explained that he was talking to him through the camera asking why he was in the shed, but he never responded. He just remains in the shed.
"I literally was watching it the whole time. So I end up calling the police," he continued. "You can see, they literally go inside [the shed]."
But the man was not in the shed.
Alec Schaal Watched The Camera The 'Whole Time' And Never Saw The Man Exit The Shed
Schaal said he watched the camera the entire time and never saw the man leave the shed, and the police didn't see anyone in there.
"I don't know if there's a tunnel in my shed in the backyard. I don't know if he teleported," he said. "I don't know where this guy went or why he went in that shed."
He concluded his video by asking his viewers to let him know what they think, and boy did they! Comments quickly began pouring in about what must have happened.
"Obviously a glitch on your camera didn’t motion when he left," one person said. Another wrote, "Ring cameras are awful in catching movement. You just missed it, that's all."
Another viewer shared, "Your shed is an exit on the matrix. Was there a cell phone left in the shed?"
A Follow-Up Video Shares More Footage Of The Possible Time Traveler
In a follow-up video, Schaal shares more footage of the man wandering around the backyard and entering the shed.
"You can see him wandering around, like he throws up his arms," he said. "What is he looking for?"
After acting "super mysterious," the man with a backpack enters the shed and closes the door behind him.
Schaal then explained that the property the man is on is his Airbnb in Florida and he lives five hours away. He said he will be visiting the Airbnb in "about a week" and will share a video tour of the shed for the people who have been asking for one.
Of course, TikTokers have theories. Some theories are wild, and others just shut down the possibility of time traveling.
"Dude is not a time traveler he’s a shapeshifter and he never left that shed he simply turned into a shovel," one person suggested. Another added, "Clearly he's looking for the portal."
Another viewer said, "Ohhh it's in Florida you should have led with that, had me nervous for a second."
Does The Guy Look Like Alec Schaal? Many Seem To Think So!

In a third video, Schaal explains that people keep telling him that the confused time traveler looks like him!
"I don't see the resemblance," he said.
And then new theories started to fill the comment section.
"What if YOU'RE the time traveler but you don’t know yet?" one person pointed out. Another person shared a different thought, posing the question, "What if it has an underground bunker you don’t know about?"
One other person is running with the time-traveling thought. "He looks like he could be from the late 80’s honestly. And he looks about 40. That would put him at 70ish. Current time. That could totally be a time traveler. Anything is possible!!"
Alec Schaal Shared An Update To The Possible Time Traveler In His Yard!
Just a few days after sharing the first time traveler video, Schaal shared another with an update!
"This is gonna blow a lot of people's minds," he said. "And if you're still denying that this is real at this point, this is gonna change your mind."
After giving a little recap for anyone who missed the first few videos, he shared that he got a notification on his camera that someone was once again in his backyard. He then shows footage of a guy LEAVING his shed.
"Here's the craziest part. This looks like the same guy, maybe, glasses, whatever," he said before showing a photo of the guy who entered the shed. "He noticeably aged. Looks like the same guy but aged."
Schaal said he doesn't know what to think at this point, but things are definitely not adding up. His video got a ton of attention with more than 8.9 million views and 22,000 comments.
"Honestly if he's not a time traveler it's still weird that some young guy went into your shed and some old guy came out of the shed the next day," one person wrote in the comments. Another said, "That's him but older! Definitely a time traveler!"
Many shared jokes, because how can you not in this situation?
"Bro has the door to Narnia," one person joked. Another wanted to know, "Can you ask him if groceries are cheaper on the other side of the shed?"
One viewer shared that this isn't the first time she's heard of such a situation.
"I used to work at a hotel. The maintenance guy had a video of a man doing the same thing from a restroom and didn't return," she wrote.
Others still think the guy looks like Schaal, and some are wondering if this is just a way to book more Airbnb stays.
What do you think? Time traveler, skit, Ring camera glitch?