Bella Thorne Released Her Own Nude Photos And People Are Fully Supportive
By TheBlast Staff on June 17, 2019 at 6:58 AM EDT
Bella Thorne Twitter
Actress and model Bella Thorne posted her own X-rated pictures after she says a hacker broke into her account and posted nude selfies of her.

Twitter / Bella Thorne
She published a message to social media explaining what happened.
"Yesterday as you all know my s**t was hacked. For the last 24 hours I have been threatened with my own nudes I feel gross, I feel watched, I feel someone has taken something special from me that I only wanted one special person to see."
Thorne added that she had the power over whoever hacked her:
"It's my decision now, you don't get to take another thing from me," she wrote.
She also had some parting words for the hacker:
"So here f--k u, and the last 24 hours I have been crying instead of celebrating my book while doing my book press. Oh yea, the fbi will be at your house shortly, so watch. Your. Mother. F--kin. Back."

But it wasn't just that nude pictures were posted -- the hacker also sent out racist tweets, things uncharacteristic for Thorne's Twitter feed.
The Hollywood Reporter writes that Thorne's profile picture was also changed, with a picture of a man in its place. Her account was later restored.
Actor Stephen Ford simply told Thorne, "You just did the ultimate power move."

Thorne received plenty of sympathy from others, who pointed out that the actress was making a bold move by posting her own nude selfies. British actor Rhys Matthew Bond told her she was "the definition of strength and courage."

Clothing designer Sherri Hill, who's famous for her formal evening wear, also tweeted her support for Thorne, sending "virtual hugs."

From the sounds of it, Thorne feels better that she can take these matters into her own hands.
"I can sleep better tonight knowing I took my power back…Here’s the photos he’s been threatening me with, in other words here’s my boobies."
The internet is a f’ed up place, but props to @bellathorne for taking the power back from these sick pieces of sh**
— MP (@mattpro13) June 15, 2019

Wikimedia | https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bella_Thorne_2010.jpg
Thorne explained to The Hollywood Reporter that she doesn't plan to press charges against the hacker. She told the site she thinks the hacker is just a kid who has made a bad choice.
“This kid sounds like he’s 17, as much as I’m so angry and wanted to fuck him up over doing this to people I just wanted to teach him a lesson," she says.
"He’s still a kid and we make mistakes, this mistake is a bad one. But I don’t want some 17-year-old's whole life ruined because he wasn’t thinking straight and [was] being a dumbass."
Bella Thorne, in a statement to THR, explained why she is not pursuing charges against the alleged hacker who attempted to blackmail her with nude pictures https://t.co/fYwRmV9YwS pic.twitter.com/vhhIlXisW7
— The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) June 17, 2019