
Aaron Carter Threatened to Harm Family, Prescription Drugs Everywhere

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By TheBlast Staff on September 22, 2017 at 12:43 AM EDT

Aaron Carter has not only threatened to take his own life multiple times in the past few weeks using a deadly mix of prescription drugs and computer duster, he also threatened to hurt those closest to him.

The Blast obtained recent reports from the St. Petersburg Police Department performing mental health evaluations on Carter.

One report states the caller told cops Carter was "not in a safe mental state ... engaging in drug activity." Police noted that Carter has "threatened to harm family and others."

Another call says Carter threatened to commit suicide by mixing Xanax, Clonopin [sic], and "Dusters." Dusters is a reference to huffing computer dusters. Cops responded to Carter's apartment and observed he "does have a lot of prescription meds in his home."

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Most recently, one of Carter's friends called cops Thursday afternoon begging for them to check on the singer after a Facetime conversation led them to believe he needed to be hospitalized immediately.

The friend said the singer's "words were slurred and did not make sense." They also noticed his "skin color was off."

Cops responded to Carter's apartment and evaluated him for the Baker Act, which allows someone to be involuntarily institutionalized if police deem they are a danger to themselves or others. They did not feel he met the criteria for hospitalization.

As The Blast previously reported, Carter has been scaring close friends and family after a long chain of events revolving around alleged drug use and erratic behavior.
