Esports Gamer Tfue Claims FaZe Clan Forces Alcohol On Minors in Lawsuit Over Contract
By TheBlast Staff on May 23, 2019 at 2:02 AM EDT
One of the top gamers in the world is fighting back against his team and claiming that not only is his contract illegal, but he is accusing the organization of furnishing alcohol to minors in order to gain clout.
21-year-old Turner Tenney, who competes under the handle, Tfue, says he signed an agreement to become a member of FaZe Clan gaming team, but now believes the contract is "grossly oppressive, onerous and one-sided."
Tfue is one of the top "Fortnite" players in the world, and has one thousands of dollars in prize money by competing in tournaments.
He explains that the agreement he signed in 2018 entitles FaZe to collect a finder's fee of up to 80% of revenue paid by third-parties for Tfue's services, and accuses the team of using "illegal and anti-competitive provisions" to severely limit his ability to compete in the marketplace.
The lawsuit claims FaZe's gamer agreements also violate California's talent Agency Act, which protects artists from organizations that act as unlicensed talent agencies.
Tfue says FaZe has collected payments on his behalf from companies that were never distributed to him, and he says the team is also costing him work by rejecting business opportunities that may be a conflict of interest for them.
The gamer says FaZe has been able to get away with the "illegal" behavior because "no-one could or was willing to stand up to FaZe Clan," but stresses, "Those days are over."
He explains that he wants to "shift the balance of power to the gamers and content creators/streamres, those who are actually creating value and driving the industry."

Along with the contractual issues, Tfue claims FaZe Clan moved him to Los Angeles and has pressured him to live in one of their sponsored homes, which are filled with other YouTube personalities and gamers.
He says FaZe Clan would "frequently host parties at its 'Clout House' or 'FaZe House' which were fueled by alcohol." Tfue says he was given alcohol while underage, and was encouraged to drink and gamble.
Tfue says he was pressured to undertake "dangerous stunts while performing in videos," and was injured in a skateboarding accident with resulted in "permanent disfigurement." He claims in another video, he was hit by a car while skateboarding, and alleges FaZe did not seek appropriate medical treatment for him.
Finally, the gamer is accusing FaZe of hiring an 11-year old gamer and lying about the minor's age by putting pressure on the family.
Tfue, who has amassed millions of followers on YouTube and Twitch, wants a judge to determine that FaZe Clan is not permitted to act as his talent agent and wants his gamer agreement proven invalid.
He also wants forensic accounting to determine how much money FaZe Clan owes based on his services.
Tfue is still listed as a member of the team on the FaZe Clan website and its social media pages.