Tracy Morgan's Brand New Bugatti Smashed Up in NYC
By TheBlast Staff on June 4, 2019 at 4:08 AM EDT
1:07 PM PT -- Tracy tweeted about the accident, and let everyone know that he's doing okay.
Tracy Morgan just got his new Bugatti involved in a wreck, and the comedian ended up leaving the scene of the accident in an ambulance.
Tons of fans were on scene Tuesday and captured the aftermath of the crash on social media as Morgan surveyed the damage.
Morgan's white convertible Bugatti -- which cost the actor TWO MILLION DOLLARS -- can be seen crunched up against a Honda SUV literally just after he drove it off the lot. Based on the photos, it appears the Honda either attempted to turn into Morgan's lane or vice versa.
Either way, the actor was reasonably upset about it and was pictured on the phone moments after the crash.
Ambulances raced to the scene and according to Page Six, Morgan was taken to the hospital after complaining of neck pain.
If you'll recall, Morgan was involved in a near-fatal crash 5 years ago with a Walmart semi-truck on the NJ Turnpike. His friend, and fellow comedian, died in the crash and the actor was reportedly awarded $90 million.