Elyse Myers Shares Update On Her Son: 'We're Taking It One Day At A Time'
By Melanie VanDerveer on March 3, 2024 at 1:15 PM EST
Viral content creator Elyse Myers is sharing her life with her followers.
Shortly after her infant son Oliver underwent heart surgery, she shared an update for all those who have been concerned and sending her positive vibes and uplifting comments.
Myers recently took to YouTube to share a nearly 13-minute-long video that gives details into Oliver's surgery. She shared a clip from the YouTube video to both Instagram and TikTok and many of her fans left comments sharing their stories as well as thanking her for sharing hers.
Elyse Myers Recently Shared An Update On Her Son Oliver's VSD Surgery

Myers shared that her 5-month-old son Oliver would require heart surgery for ventricular septal defect, VSD. A few weeks after sharing that news, she shared an update after his surgery. Now, a week after surgery, she's sharing another more detailed update on YouTube.
She began her vlog as she was on her way to get an "emotional support coffee" saying she just needed to get out of the house for a bit.
"So here's where we're at. Highlights: his surgery happened, the repairs were successful, there are lasting side effects from his VSD that are not gonna be healed overnight and are gonna take time to recover, and that recovery time feels hard, but it is good, because he is in recovery. It's just not the way I expected it to look," she said before updating things further. "It's Tuesday right now. He had surgery to repair the VSD in his heart on Thursday, so five-ish days ago."
She then went into detail about the days before the hospital and the five-hour surgery.
"We got calls and texts from the nurse, surgeon, somebody in the OR called basically every hour and let us know what was going on," she explained. "It was weird. I wanted the updates, like of course I want to know every single minute what's going on, if I could have been in that operating room I would have been. Also, they're weird updates because you can't do anything about it. You're just receiving this information."
She further explained the emotions that went with this experience, and the huge relief she felt when she heard that surgery went well.
"The surgeon came in to meet us, and he took his mask off and he's like, 'The hole was much bigger than we thought it was.' And I was like, good or bad. Is it good news? Like are we good?" she continued. "He's like we're good. He's just gonna recover now, basically."
She then said she didn't think the surgeon would let her give him a hug, but he did and it is something she won't soon forget. She shared that part of her YouTube video on both Instagram and TikTok.
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"I will never forget that hug," she said. "I will never forget how long he hugged me and how hard he hugged me. He wasn't letting go. He waited for me to let go."
She explained that she didn't know what to say to the person who saved her son's life, and she just kept thanking him, and then got a picture with him.
The YouTube video continued to explain all that followed, from being reunited with her son after surgery to going home to continue to recover.
Elyse Myer's Followers Shared Their Well Wishes And Their Own Stories On TikTok And Instagram

Myers' very real and raw detailed explanation really hit home with many of her followers who shared their stories in the comment section of her video clip on Instagram and TikTok.
"I’m married to a physician, and I’d just like to say that they also think, “What can you say to a mom who trusted you with their child’s life?” He needed that hug just as much as you. ❤ Thanks for the update!" one follower wrote on Instagram.
Another added, "I invited the doctor who saved my daughter’s life to her wedding 27 years later 😍. He and his wife attended. They get it."
Comments on TikTok followed the same positive vibe.
"I just want to thank you for all your posts and updates. My baby who is also five months is having his AVSD surgery on Friday. It has been helpful and made me feel less alone watching you," one person shared, to which Myers responded, "We’re in this together! I know how not real those days leading up to surgery feel. It’s okay for you to feel afraid because the medical team that is caring for your son isn’t! ♥️"
Another said, "Let the healing start! Doctors who are passionate about their work are heroes!"